Friday, January 11, 2008

Hot Damn it is Friday!!!!!

Hey all. Nothing exciting last night, I actually just relaxed after Randi's basketball game. Tonight more of the same I am relaxing to prepare for tomorrow night! Zug Zug's man's birthday party at the 303 club Elixir, should prove to be a good time by all. If Zug Zug hasn't got a chance to email you yet everyone is invited I am not sure on the time yet so just text Launa to fill you in. The reason we are going to Elixir's is because some good friends of ours band is playing. The only thing I am worried about with this new club is do they let you smoke and will they be forgiving of all us Crazies! I think there are some places that just might not be able to handle are kinda fun! I hate to not be able to smoke when I am drinking that is like having sex and never getting off don't you think? Well I hope tomorrow night proves to be fun! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
'Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.'

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