Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Birthday DD!!!!!

Happy Birthday to you.... Happy Birthday to you..... Happy Birthday dear DD, happy birthday to you!!!!! I love you, girlfriend! I hope your birthday is as special as you are to me!
Saturday was a great time! We all met for drinks at the Moonlight before going to The Eli Manor Band/ Chris Duarte concert at Gigz. After the concert we all headed back to the Moonlight where we all proceeded to get trashed. LOL I know you might be thinking we do this a lot but in actuality not all of us do it at the same time. We all ended up trashed I know for Tim and I we spend all day Sunday in bed. OMG was I still so drunk when I woke up! We did make it to breakfast out, only to find our way back home and go back to bed. I don't know my new infatuation with Patron is, but I am thinking I need to lay off that stuff! LOL I didn't know where the hell my clothes were when I woke up. Funny thing is I guess I put them in the hamper, go figure I was a responsible drunk!
I know I haven't been real good at writing a blog, winter blues have consumed me to the point I haven't felt very creative about writing. Also as you all know my parents divorced after 41 years and it has thrown my life in a bit of disorder. I felt a little disoriented by it all so I promise when the weather starts looking up I will get back to my usual routines and be more myself.
Love all around! smooches :)