Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Here is Birdie.....

Dear God make me a Bird so I can fly far, far away from here!
quote from: Jenny off of Forest Gump

Cock Cock Cock Cock Cock!


Anonymous said...

Geeeez Birdie, that looks like it hurt. But it sure was some funny shit. Thanks for all the laughs! I look forward to many many more.

Anonymous said...

oh, cum on Birdie! You know it made you laugh!!!!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

That Forest Gump line will forever burn in my ears when I see Theresa. So be prepared Blue Genie, we are all going to make you repeat it, over and over.

~M~ said...

Oh Theresa you are such a "Crazy Bitch" and you had to know we would use those pics! We couldn't pass it up that was so damn funny!!!!!! Love ya Birdie!!! We can all hardly wait until you have email again! *kiss*

Anonymous said...

Yes Theresa, I just sent wedding ideas to Michelle and Kelly, so make sure that they send it to your new e-mail when you get it. Smooches!!

~M~ said...

I loved the wedding idea, to one of my most favorite Moonlight party songs to! I would so do that, but well Birdie? Come on Birdie let Blue Genie think of a dance we can so do for your wedding night! It would be tons of fun and it would make the party!