Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday..... Michelle The Reformed School Bully.....

Hey all it is Friday! I have plenty to accomplish this weekend since I was gone last weekend but I plan on being up and at em early on Saturday so I have time for some fun! We will be missing some of our gang like Tweatter and Chopper lol, they will be in Cheyenne but the rest of us should find something entertaining to do! We haven't thrown darts forever we really need to get a night planned for that! I think the main vote for Saturday is dancing? Right gang? Dorie is even going to be joining us so we should have some BIG fun!

Tim, me, & Dorie went out for a few drinks last night and boy I needed it after this week! This week has been run, run, run! After Dorie left we sat at a table with Brandel a friend of Tim's that I discovered the last time we saw him out that I went to school with him. What is funny when we sat at his table I discovered I went to school with the whole damn table haha! I am glad everyone at the table I was nice to back then! Shit the last few times Tim has met a guy at the bar and they start talking about motorcycles and shit then he goes to introduce them to me and I realize I was a shit head to them in school! Boy I was a little shit in Junior High let me tell ya. The one time he met a guy that I had gone to school with I realized he is the kid I thought had a big head on the way home from school I thought his head made an awesome target for throwing rocks at! Of course my friends all egged on my bad behavior and I certainly didn't shy away from the challenge! Thank goodness he didn't remember it really and I was forgiven because it turns out he is a pretty decent guy, granted he still has a big head but my rock throwing days are over! Watch now the 5 other people I terrorized in school will materialize. There was the guy that wouldn't leave me alone so I had my girlfriends pin him down on the ground after lunch while I stood above him and as he was screaming for them to release him I spit in his mouth. Oh lovely huh? He did leave me alone after that go figure right?!? Shit he just wanted to date me and I had to be so cruel. Then there is the girl with the fire red hair that God only knows why I decided to target her. We had peas for school lunch that day and everyone saved theirs for me so I could store them in my pocket for my assault on a totally innocent girl. So when we got outside all my girlfriends pinned her down as I proceeded to smash the peas all over her face making sure they were in her nose and in the eye lashes! Boy I don't think she thought I was funny but everyone else did at the time. When I got to High School I mellowed out and matured from my bullying ways and my first day of class in Biology guess who I was partnered up with? You guessed it the fire red head girl that I assaulted with the peas. She said "Hi Michelle, do you remember me?" at this point I deserved a good ole ass beating from her so I said "sure pea face I do!" We both laughed and became actually pretty good friends and it was nice she had such a forgiving heart for someone that had been as cruel as I was to her. Then there was the gal that I locked in the sewing class closet because I knew there wasn't a class the next period and then I owe an apology to this girl with the long pretty blond hair that I threw my bubble gum in her hair as we walked to class. And then the final one at Junior High level anyhow I hope geez aren't the rest bad enough? The girl that had to wear a back brace like the girl on sixteen candles that I was relentless to targeting her for unknown reasons. This girl took her brace off one day and followed me home from school and told me we were going to clear it up and she was going to KICK my ass of course her big sister was going to help her do it too! I don't know what saved me from the ass kicking that I deserved that day but we ended up as friends too. But pondering back on these things I am truly sorry for each and everything I did to any of these people! If it helps I was very sweet in High School and only had one incident and that was my Senior year I will share with you sometime. Now that one is a good one then you will all know why my girls are both scrappers and that is why I don't get too mad at them. At least neither of them pick on kids that are undeserving as I did. Every time they have been in an altercation it wasn't provoked by them. Oh in grade school I was nice too! Honest I was the only bad thing I did is when it was time to play kiss chase I didn't run for safety like all the other girls I just turned around and kicked the boy in the shin! I thought that will stop them and you know it did. Of course when I had to met Brooke's basketball coach this year he asked me "So Michelle do you still kick people?" I was like no thank goodness! So you know I have decided when you least expect it your past will come back to haunt your ass! ha-ha. Love all around from a reformed bully!

Thought for the day:

When you say sorry look that person in the eye and say it like you mean it.


Anonymous said...

OMG I can just picture you kickin the boys in the! You are so funny Mish, I absolutely adore your stories and you scrappy ass!!

French Fry said...

That is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. I can totally see you being mean and then everyone loving you anyway! The joys of staying in the town you grew up in right? Thanks for sharing!
Love ya

~M~ said...

Aren't you glad though I learned from my ways? ha-ha you would all be like we aren't taking Michelle out she will find someone at the bar to pick on! LOL Love ya

~M~ said...

ya no doubt but at least seeing all these people again they get a chance to see I actually turned out nice. Right I am nice? lol I am sure the boy that I spit in his mouth isn't to traumatized haha well maybe he is..... maybe he doesn't have mouth to mouth contact with women because of me! LOL

French Fry said...

Or he could have amazing dominatrix fantasies because of you as well! LOL

Anonymous said...

Funny Hunnee!!!! Love the stories, way too entertaining. Gotta run, talk at you later. Hi French Fry and Blue Genie. Love you all!

~M~ said...

French~Fry you crack me up!

Anonymous said...

ok all of you.....GET BACK TO WORK! I have seen the terror on the kids's face when their mom jokes to spit in their mouth....I doubt they grow up dreaming of others spitting at them! Gross Mish! Any guy or gir who WANTS to be be spit at in the mouth is sick and wrong! I know I am wild, and I like ALOT of kinky stuff sometimes but, but that is uncool! I would rather SWAP spit with someone, rather than just except someones spit like that!

~M~ said...

cut me some slack I was only 13 I don't do it now! haha