Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Battle of the buldge continued...

Whooopie!  Got on the scale and 4 1/2 lbs vanished!  Thought I should weigh myself every other day to put my progress down in my booklet.  So far I don't feel deprived and my energy is up.  I think the only thing that is going to cause me trouble is NO drinking for 24 days!  Holy Shit, am I capable of not going out for 24 days?  If I find great success with this diet,  that is healthy I am going to become a distributor.  Thus far I am thoroughly impressed with it except that grotesque fiber drink.  Thank goodness for me I have 1/2 a closet of my thinner clothes and 1/2 a closet of ooops I am chubby again clothes.  LOL  Nice thing about this new approach to diet I am trying this will be easy to maintain and the added health benefits are a great addition.  My goal is to get off at least one of my two blood pressure pills. I truly should quit smoking too and I know that will be the next thing I will strive to do. Like Dorie said it is time to get healthy woman!   I am sure I will find more exciting things to tell tomorrow, lol hmmmm maybe I should tell about my accidental high....  If anyone wants to join Michael and I on our journey of losing weight give me a holler.  If you seen Michael of late you will know how well this works!  He looks fantastic!  Hugs my peeps!

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