Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wish I had the power to mend a broken heart....

The one thing I wished I could heal it a broken heart. I think that is truly one of the worst pains to go through and takes the longest to heal from and for some it never heals it hides beneath the surface and comes bubbling out now and then. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, I find that hauntingly true you can see when someone has eternal pain from looking into them.  A dear friend of mine is going through the broken heart, I can tell when I love a friend because I physically cry tears for them and ache inside as they do, not to the severity I am sure but I do feel it deeply.  Love is such a hard thing to figure out.  Some people feel it easily, deeply, completely and honestly and some just can hold back and not feel it at all.  I sometimes wonder after having your heart broken severely one time can you honestly maybe not feel it again?  Or some just really never grow to feel it for ones that love them.  That might be one of the hardest and truly one of the most painful things to deal with. Why as we age do we have such fear of saying it to someone and saying it loud and proud? Is it because we have so much fear that it won't be reciprocated?  Are we afraid of looking foolish because we might feel it sooner then warranted and inturn causes us to push away the one we love?  Is there really a perfect time it should be said so then we suffer no regret or what if's? I wonder as we age why does love become so complicated we think so hard about if we do or don't we talk ourselves out of feeling it? I know when a relationship ends the pain goes in thinking back what you could of done differently and wishing that one could of been bolder and just said it just risked it and maybe that would of been the only difference required for a different outcome.  I wish I knew these answers to lifes most elusive questions. The most important advice I have is be yourself don't change for anyone. Be proud of who you are, because being who your not just to please another won't  buy you happiness. A man worthy of your love should love you for who and what you are and appreciate everything about you quirks and all!  That is true love and brings true happiness. 

The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.


Unknown said...

I love you Michelle!!
Blue Genie

~M~ said...

I love you too my sweet Kelly!!! Always and forever!