Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Time To Live.....

What is the bible saying? There is a time to Live, a time to laugh, a time to cry and there is a time to die. Well Tim's grandpa Ernie is reaching his time to die. We went to see him and he didn't even look like himself. It is sad when people get sick and old. I don't do well with death and I am sure many of you are like me in that aspect. I hate to see the suffering. I just pray and I hope the rest of you will join me and wish him a safe and quick trip home. I know my blog is a bit of a downer today but it was resting heavy on my heart and it helps to write about it. I need to be strong for my Timothy Wayne and Grandpa. This is prime example how life can be too short and we should live everyday as our last and always leave the people you love with kind words. Love all around!
Thought for the day:
There is no place like home.....


French Fry said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Mish. You know I'm here for you.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

If you need anything let me know. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Love you
