Thursday, April 3, 2008

One more day until Friday......

I know I know where has the song in my head been lately? Still in my head I guess! I have been busy and I haven't had time to post my songs. I will try to do better ha-ha! The pain in my shoulder & neck? It is still there damn it and it better be better by Friday! I guess you can always drink away a pain in your shoulder right?!? Well I guess I better get started on my Thursday! LOL Have a good one all! Love all around.....
Thought for the day:
If it isn't broke don't fix it!


Anonymous said...

Hunnee, I drink away my PAIN all the time, and I am the queen of spinal and shoulder pain. So on Friday we will drink away our pain together. K!

Anonymous said...

you are not the queen DD, you are the president of the club....(see yesterdays comments)