Monday, April 28, 2008

It sucks being good.....

All work and no play makes Michelle a dull girl..... Well two more weekends of being out of commission and then I will be ready to play hard!!!! I hope all of us can go have a good time by then, throw some darts, drink too much and just generally be ourselves! So reminder if you don't like who I am when I am playing hard stay the HELL home!!! This weekend we have the Douglas Prom and then the following weekend is the worst one..... Rising Star pictures that will take Tim from 7 am until 9 pm or later. Poor baby!!!! He loves what he does but boy does that make for a long day! Like DD says I am ready for a little Captain in me!!!!! I hope all of you had a good weekend! I miss all of you! Love all around!
Thought for the day:

'Good friends are like stars.........You don't always see them, but you know they are always there'
'Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live today'

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