Thursday, November 20, 2008


Hi all sorry for the late blog. Was busy catching up so I can have a 1/2 day off tomorrow to get things done that need done during a week day. Well everyone I just wanted to cover something weighing on my mind...... Am I a good friend? Well when I call you a friend I try to be the best friend I can be and I try to be very acceptive of who you are. Am I a perfect friend? Hell no I know I have faults. Hell I have plenty of faults, to name a few I can be selfish, self centered, and sometimes I can be opininated. But you know something I am only human. But I know I am the type of friend you can be open with and tell me when I have hurt you. I know at times I can be cold if I feel justified in something, but most of the time I am receptive to what you are saying. I find when a friend is hurt by me I usually am not aware I have done anything until you explain that to me and give me a chance to rectify it, explain it, or flat out apologize for it. I try my hardest to never give a friend a cold shoulder or be spiteful and I always try to tell them flat out if I am upset with them and I expect that from anyone that is my friend too. Okay I am stepping off my soap box. Oh do I love being the center of attention? Absolutely so there you have it me in a nut shell. LOL if only it was that easy! I am a Gemini so you never can figure out which one of my twins you will be dealing with! But all the same I love my friends with all my heart, so if any of you have forgotten that here I am to remind you! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Never assume it will end up making an ass out of you and ass out of me.


Anonymous said...

you've always been a good friend to me Mish! No one is perfect and the only person you should ever put expectations on is yourself!!

love ya sister!

Anonymous said...

you've always been a good friend to me Mish! No one is perfect and the only person you should ever put expectations on is yourself!!

love ya sister!