Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do bad girls go to Heaven?

I know this bad girl will! When I get questioned about my bad girl life I will say well HELL it was fun! I had a blast last night! Went out to have some drinks, listen to good music, and have good company. Dorie Ione I have bruises from you, you brat. LOL we were having a very naughty conversation at our table last night and as you can imagine my comments were pretty bad which in turn provoked Dorie to bit me. Not just once but twice! Geeze! Dorie I love you girlie and you got to give me credit I can make a 2 point shot with a quarter down your cleavage with ease! You know when by sweet Theresa's girls think her friends are wild I guess we got to look at and realize yes we are and damn do we have fun! I think most people at the bar watch our table for entertainment. But anyone that knows me knows I don't mind be the center of attention, and any friend I chose to have better have a little spit in em! We finally decided to go home when my perverted husband started telling his buddies nasty little things he was going to do to me when we got home and saying to everyone at the table he was going to take me home and molest me, and then Dorie falling right on her little ass between to chairs knocking them over thought that might be a good time to check out! Well all here's to good friends and good times! Hope everyone can go out Friday night! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
What is a life lived without fun?

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