Wednesday, September 24, 2008

OOOOOOps missed Tuesday!

Hello all. Missed Tuesday! I was slammed at work and it was a total oversight! I promise I will get back on track with the song of the day as soon as we get out of our busy season at work! Wow I have only had three cigarettes since Saturday. I think I am going to try very hard to give them up! They make me feel like shit and my coughing has been bad of late. We can thank over doing it on Saturday for the reason. It seems everytime I over do it drinking I never want a cigarette the next day. So what is on for everyone's weekend????? I have no idea for mine yet but I think I just might take it easy. LOL yes me sit at home and do nothing!
I got a call this morning my brother in laws father was in a roll over accident and is in critical condition so any prayers would be so appreciated. Thank you. Well love all around!
Thought for the day:
That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.

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