Friday, September 5, 2008

A Reason......

Hi all! I know I have been a very bad blogger I have been telling myself it is because I have been busy but in actuality it is because I have had some things weighing heavily on my mind. Sometimes things that bother me I over think and then I start losing sleep and stop wanting to do things I generally like doing. So forgive me for being distant and not blogging I seem to be the type of person that withdrawls a bit when I am upset with things. Well with that being said. Bobbie is moving back to Rock Springs again. Now she has not directly told me this because I evidently don't mean enough to her to be told but I thought all of you would like to know if you wanted to call and say good bye. It always hurts to lose a friend. I thought seriously about the poem Friends are for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I guess my friendship to you, Bobbie was for a reason. That reason I believe is for you to have met Dorie. I am glad you two have made such good friends and that I could be the one to make that happen for you both. Bobbie I will always remember are good times and I hope your move will be the answer for you to finally straighten out your life and bring you happiness. I always try to make all my friendships lifetime ones but I guess sometimes in life it just doesn't work out. Love all around!
Thought for the day:

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