Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Monday & Happy Birthday to my Randi!!! Sweet 16!

Hope all of you had a good weekend! We didn't do much. We went out on Friday night for a bit. I wasn't in the mood to go out at all actually but Julian texted Tim and said Please, Please, Please let's go out. His boss apparently has never been to the club. So I caved in and went out. We ended up having our usual good time. Theresa, Sean and some of their friends came out and Scott Wesley and a group of his friends came out & John and Burg too. So we had a really good time and still got home early at about 11:30. Saturday I just took it easy went to the store and Tim rode for a bit with his buddies and then we went for a dinner at the Sandbar and called it a early night. Sunday Tim fixed Randi's struts on her car because today my Randi bear turns 16!!!!! Woooooo Hoooo! Tim is taking her for her driving test this morning and then she will drive to school! I am so excited for her I remember when I got to start driving what an exciting time in a teenagers life. Well everyone I know this summer has been different and we really haven't all got to spend much time together. We have all been so busy with things this summer. DD & Kelly with their new house, Tim & I with our new Harley, and all the rest of you with your things going on with your lives. Keep in mind it doesn't mean I love you any less or I am ignoring you. I swear everything is still the same and I am sorry for those of you that have felt that I have been different or are hurt that it doesn't seem that I am like myself of late. I hope that all of you can work out to plan ahead for September 20th at Elixirs. I would like to be with the entire gang I miss these events where all of us are together. So mark your calendars and let me know if all of you can make it. Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.

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