Thursday, September 27, 2007

Who is Michelle?

I think I know who I am. I am a little bossy, brash and am always up for a good time! I think I am pretty good at looking deep into who I am, and seeing my good and bad qualities. But I am sure like many others I am curious how people see me, I mean really see me. So tell me. Here is your chance……
I got a really good suggestion from Kelli (French~fry) to write about me. I do sort of write about me, but just how I relate to other persons when I am really writing about them. So it is your turn! Anyone that would like to write about me, it can be about how you met me, or a funny thing that I had done with you, or what you think of me, or whatever turns your crank, and I will post it on my blog. I will give everyone a day that would like to write. Just send me an email with the title you would like to use and your story and I will post one everyday until I run out of stories. In Paula’s famous words remember to “Be Nice…..”! Ha-ha No really just have fun with it, I can take it! I will be very interested to see what my creative friends come up with. I am waiting get to writing!

My thought for the day:

Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

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