Wednesday, November 4, 2009

HUMP DAY......

Hump day has arrived.  Tim is still sick.  Poor thing even stayed home half a day today.  If he isn't better feeling by Friday I think we will take him into the doctor.  I remember how I felt when I had it I thought I was actually dying.  I still haven't started smoking again even though I smoke when I have had drinks, which amounts to maybe once a week.   So from half a pack a day to smoking some once a week I think that is progress.  I just got back from class and I often wonder how in the hell I work out the way I do and I still am not skinny.  I wish I was one of those bitch's that got to eat what the hell she wanted and weighed nothing.  I  was I guess when I was younger but I got the skinniness just didn't get to eat what I want I actually chose the route of not eating at all.  They say there is no such thing as a slow metabolism and I call bullshit on that.  Too  bad they don't legalize speed lol.  I took phentermine about 8 years ago and damn did  I stay thin.  It pumped my metabolism up and I stayed thin, it was my miracle drug.  Too bad it was probably bad for the ole heart.  Loved wearing a size 3/5 without any effort.  Well peeps, I think it is time I go to bed I am pooped!  One bad thing about blogging at home, I don't have my thought for the day readily available. So Love all around and smooches!  

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