Tuesday, July 29, 2008


This will be a hell of a work week for me! I am getting everything prepared for them to live without me for almost a week! YA! Sturgis here I come! Billy "O" I can so hardly wait until your dream is fulfilled and you and Blue Genie are riding beside us! Now we need to get Chopper on his bike and put Tweatter on the back and have a real good time! Who all wants to go to the biker ball? $125.00 a couple. Tim & I are going to get tickets with Mingo & Kim on August 23rd the biker ball is at the Parkway Plaza in January. Let me know I can buy tickets for who all wants to join us for the party! It will be fun...... Well back to work with me! Love all around....
Thought for the day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.

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