Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!!!

I know it has been an incredibly long time since I have written. I been on vacation for an extended amount of time and I have been sick. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired! I hope everyone's Christmas was great! Mine was wonderful. Tim and I went for drinks Wednesday night and enjoyed ourselves then on Christmas Eve we enjoyed family time and then went to Tim's folks for our regular Christmas Eve celebration. We had an awesome time. The girls got wonderful gifts from Tim's mom & Dad from their favorite store Aeropostale. Tim, I, his sister and her husband chipped in and bought his folk's a beautiful clock from Ayers Jewelry. So we had a great Christmas Eve. Christmas Day we got up and Tim and I got our huge 24 lbs Turkey and stuffing ready for the oven as we waited for my parents to come over and watch the girls tear into their presents. I miss those days when they were little and had us up at the crack of dawn and I knew they would be delighted with the beautiful baby doll that we had got them from Santa. Well now days the present are a hell of a lot more expensive and they pretty much know what they are going to get. I still have a blast with the stockings though. I love buying lil trinkets, jewelry, candy, makeup, and anything cool and unusual I can find to put in them. After the kids unwrapped all their gifts we always go over to Dorie's for Christmas breakfast. I love this tradition Dorie makes the most incredible breakfast! It is amazing and I love seeing her whole family which I consider my family too! Having all this week off has been great I just wished I didn't have this cold in my chest is all. But still very relaxing. For New Years Eve it is tradition for Tim and I to stay home. We always have stayed home we fondly call the night amateur night and we don't want to be around all the drunk idiots and the cops. So we decided since we were both off to go down about 5:30 and have a few drinks with the girls... The girls being my sweet DD & Kelly. DD & Kelly were the only two in our gang that were going to be around and we thought hey what the hell they wanted to be home early too. Well we showed up and I was tired still feeling sick and the girls were in their work clothes, and Kimmy was even there saying she was going home early too so it still looked good for the original plan. What happened I still don't know I will blame it on the jello shots! But I ended up having a fucking blast and ringing in the New Year with the absolute greatest people and even with Theresa who had back surgery that day! She called me right after Midnight to my surprise so this New Year was a very memorable one for sure! We sat at a table with Kim, Amy, Ryan a group of their friends, DD, Kelly, Ti, Marcus, Pat, the Channel 13 weather guy his gf, Kenny and his wife and a cardboard cut out of our friend Missy! DD, Ti, Emma, Tressa & I danced our fricken ass's off. So much so the next day I thought I was gonna die from the muscle and hip and knee and ankle aches! Holygeezbananas am I fuckin old or what!!!!! Damn! DD made me laugh my ass off I love when she gets that crazy ass kinda drunk she is the absolute life of a party and just makes me crazy too! We feed off eachother so well that is could be trouble! She was wearing her elmer fud winter hat and her scarf dancing around the dance floor getting everyone fired up. Everyone would come up to me and say your girl friend rocks and I would say I know why do you think I love her? Sheesh everyone should know by now I have the greatest friends in the world! Yesterday I went and bought the newest addition of the Garrett family.... I bought a male miniature Schnauzer who I fondly named Angus after my favorite band AC/DC. He is NAUGHTY! But cute as a button ohhhhhh I will take pictures and post them here as quickly as possible. As we were putting up all the Christmas decorations today that lil shit would steal things and run with them. Gotta love that naughty puppy stage! And not to mention how the lil shit woke me up by biting the holy hell outta me. I was like sheesh you were so sweet yesterday what in the hell happened I was thinking of changing his name to Lucifer! Well all I love you and I miss the ones of you that I haven't seen in a while. We need to plan a night out together real soon! Next week Tim and I have the biker ball, cross your fingers for us to bring home a new bike! That would be awesome! smooochesssss all! Hope all of you have a Happy New Year and all of you are blessed with joy, love and prosperity!

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