Hey everyone, are you all still there? I haven't received any comments lately so I was wondering if my blog is already starting to be a bore? Nothing much happening in the last couple of weeks to report so I haven't had anything to exciting to blog about I know. I finally feel a bit better today and I hoping this will last! Next year I think I will get the flu shot! I certainly can't handle having this shit again! Tonight hopefully will be fun for those who accepted my invitation. We will be going out to a mixed party they will have Kara Vita skin care, Avon, Jewelry, Pampered Chef, and scentsy candles. Launa if you didn't have to work girl we would take you too! I did get an invitation for a Passion Party open house for Sunday too, did any of you girls? Should we go? I was thinking maybe Sunday afternoon kicking back and going to the Moonlight and throwing some darts any takers? Launa would probably love our company and we can take her lunch. Next week is Thanksgiving and Bobbie Jo should be here so hopefully after all the family obligations are out of the way we can all meet for a few drinks and fun. I have missed Bobbie really bad of late and am so excited she is coming. Bobbie we will get you home this summer, we all need you here and not so far away! Well love all around! See you tonight Kelly, Dd, Paula, and Dorie!
Thought for the day:
'A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.' - Herm Albright
Hello Hunnee! Yes, I am still here and NO, your blog is not a bore at all. It is the highlight of my day at work. We just have a couple of dumbasses at my work that do THIS all day long, so I have not been able to leave you any comments. I PROMISE, one day we will have our new house with a new computer all hooked up and I will be much more involved. (That goes for your space too Bobbie.)
I am very much looking forward to your company tonight, it has been a long tough week at work and I miss your happy ass. GOTTA RUN! Love U Bunches!!! See U 2nite!!!
well i don't know what the hell happenend but I commented on the song of the day for yesterday, today! I was thanking you for choosing that song! DD had asked me if I saw the song of the day last night and I told her no, and so today when i went in and saw your choice i was pleasantly surprised! Mish you are the greatest and your blog is SUPERB!! Like DD said, I can't wait to have a computer at home then I can share shit as it happens you now! Well i am really excited about tonight and am glead to hear that Dorie is going to! i haven't seen her since Halloween!! Sunday sounds fun, but I don't know if we will be able to participate...children ;-) anyway, i gotta run, i am like the shredding fucking fairy today, been shredding for three hours solid and it's not even for my own office!!!!! love you all and miss u bunches!
Thanks for your comment Billy "O"! I am excited to see you as well darlin! Until tonight!
Ha-ha Blue Genie the shredding fairy! I had to do that once it took me 5 hours to shred all the old checks we had here. It was terrible 20 pages at a time! Pearl Necklace is a great song, and it just reminded me of you and well the picture was to perfect to not use! I remember telling you what the song meant. Of course with my dirty mind I know ALL the dirty songs and get the hidden meanings in them. I guess maybe I am a pervert! Until tonight! Love ya!
Ha ha *bow* I am sorry Shredding Fucking Fairy. *wink*
you a bore? yeah right luv!!!!!!!!! you are the very bestest and i absolutely LOVE your blog! don't stop lil lady....soon, very soon i will be able to participate instead of just read every day!!!!!! I use to have more free time at work, but the longer i work here the more responsibilities i obtain, therefore giving me not enough time to comment everyday! i love you to death Mish, and i appreciate your thoughtfulness and creativity!
this was an email that Blue Genie sent me *blush* You girls go way beyond friends you really make me feel loved and appreciated. I don't think a girl could ask for better friends then you Kelly & Dd. Soul Sista's forever!
I feel the exact same way as the other M groupies. I just love your blog and I read it faithfully every morning. usually I just comment on IM instead of leaving a comment! I enjoy hearing about all your friends up there and you fun adventures together. Don't ever stop!
Love ya,
Thanks French~fry, I was getting worried I bored everyone to tears and they stopped reading and liking my choice of music. I will have to put a thinking cap on and get some more ideas for topics or some old memories out and share them because I somedays really run out of ideas! Have fun on you shopping day! Enjoy the day off! *kiss* M
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