Today is Theresa's birthday! So everyone join in with me to sing Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Theresa Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!! Theresa I hope your day is full of happiness because you deserve it! Love ya!

Well this weekend wasn't anything to exciting. Friday night relaxed, Saturday night we had to work Football Ball, and then Sunday now there I had a great time! Sunday afternoon Tim, Dd, Kelly and me went to the Moonlight and threw darts. It was a really good time. My arm is a little sore today so we threw a lot of darts. My game has improved since now I can see out of both my eyes! yippeee! Well Kelly how are you feeling today my little Blue Genie? Blue Genie was quite comical yesterday, red bull gave her wings again! The song Baby Got Back was playing on the juke box and we watched Blue Genie dance down the stairs across the floor and dance the whole time she was at the bar ordering MORE shots! A guy playing pool even came up to her and said "Hey, let me know when you are going to do that again!". He was referring to when the part came on that said turn around stick it out even white boys got to shout, because she stuck it way out! ha-ha. And another time when the part came on that said kick those nasty thoughts she turned around and did a karate chop kick! We all got a great laugh out of her performance as well as everyone else in the bar! Kelly is just so fun! Kelly is usually so quiet and pretty reserved and when that alcohol kicks in she is the life of the party! Dd, Tim, and I just love to watch her go! She did Blue Genie a couple of things so the Jager didn't let us down! Life is great. Everyone have a wonderful day! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
i feel like SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
had a wonderful time but i feel awful!
My arm is very sore today too, so I think we must have played one too many yesterday. It was very fun though, and Kelly was very entertaining. She slept like a rock last night. I was wired from all the damn Red Bull, so I just sat in bed and watched her sleep while I watched TV half of the night. Going to be an early night tonight. Hope you all have a good Monday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our "FLAMING TOMATO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you all!!!!!!!!!
I figured you might feel a little crappy today girlie. Well tonight go home and get some serious sleep! Love ya my drunk little Blue Genie!
Billy "O" you need to steer clear of that RED BULL shit! You need to just drink the Jager straight up like me, then you don't loose sleep! ha-ha. Of course Blue Genie slept despite the red bull she works off all her energy dancing and being crazy. haha Go to bed early! Love ya
Sounds like I missed a hell of an afternoon! One of these days I'm going to have to be there for all this! Sounds like a great time!
Love ya,
hell, my arm, my neck, my back and even my booty is sore!!! Tonight will be an early night i am sure but i have some "makin up" to do for my girl! love ya MaMa! Glad i could be everyone's entertainment!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY THERESA! told ya, you should have come down yesterday ;)! love you all!
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