I got an email "Game On" I really liked the other week. It said describe me in one word. I really had to think how to describe each of my friends in just one word, and the word needed to be profound enough to really describe how I felt about them. It is interesting to know what people think of you. If I had a wish I would love to wish that I could be outside myself for at least a day, wouldn’t be interesting to see yourself as others honestly do? I think I would like to see that and then I think about seeing my self in a total 360 and think whoa that might be a bit scary. I am so hard on myself for my physical traits that I don’t like and I am constantly beating mys

elf up for what I think is not being thin enough. I don’t think I would ever be skinny enough not to think of myself as fat. When I was in High School I weighed 93 pounds when I graduated “Damn that is less then Brookie my daughter weighs now!” and you know what I thought I was heavy. I use to starve myself beca

use I thought I wasn’t perfect enough. Shit what I wouldn’t trade to have that bod now! I would appreciate it a Hell of lot more today! I love what my friend Kelly said, “We all beat ourselves up over the things we don’t like about ourselves in our photo’s” and then she continued “but I never look at the photo to see people’s imperfections but I look at them as a memory of the fun we were having at that moment.” Isn’t she right? I think she is. I never see people that I love the way they see themselves, I will love a photo of them and they will tear themselves to pieces in the photo. Hell I am not photogenic but it is me in that picture and if you don’t love me then don’t look! Right? So back to my original topic, I loved to see what people thought of me and today I thought I would share some of the responses I got and how I responded back to them. In the big picture I think the world of each and everyone of my friends and truly none of them are just a ONE word description! Each and every one of my friends brings something different to me in our friendship.
Theresa said I was loyal and that is the exact same word I used for her.
Dorie said I was confident and I said Dorie is giving.
Kelly said I was generous and I said Kelly is loving.
Shelly (a school friend) said I was hilarious and I said she was thoughtful.
Sheila said I was fun and I said she was sweet (I think I forgot to save that one)
I said Paula was generous and I didn’t get a reply on what her one word of me was.
Dd didn’t respond either and the one word I will use for her is dedicated.
Launa didn’t respond either and the one word I will use for her is strong.
Bobbie didn’t respond and the one word I will use for her is caring.
Kelli said I was honest and I said she is complex.
Thought for the day:
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone.
1 comment:
Sorry I have been sick and didn't respond. My word for you is genuine. Paula P.S. What is going on at Jim's house?
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