Can you believe it, I started this blog
100 posts ago? Why did I start this blog? 1st out of boredom one day and secondly because I wanted a place to show all my pics and write what swims around in my head. I actually always liked to write and of course those of you that know me know that I always have something to say and I do always have an opinion on everything except maybe politics! So the blog will continue as long as I have breath. If any of you have ideas or suggestions for the blog they are always welcome. Some day when we are old & gray we can look back at these entries and laugh at how wild we use to be! As for me I will probably still be a crazy old lady! ha-ha

Last night was Theresa's birthday, so Tim and I went to her house to watch the game. Hooray Bronco's! Wow they kicked some ass! Sean messed up his knee yesterday and spent 3 hours in the emergency room and my daughter broke her finger playing basketball so it was an injury day. Poor Theresa didn't get much celebration for her day so we need to plan a great night out to celebrate Theresa! It is suppose to snow 1 to 2 inches today but clear up by tomorrow afternoon and I hope that is the case because I really want to see Bobbie. Bobbie girl we miss you! Bobbie doesn't get to stay long so hopefully Thursday night we can all meet up for a bit, even if it is for dessert or something simple. Love all around!
Thought for the day:
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy..
It does sound like an injury filled day! I'm so sorry about Sean's knee and about your daughters finger! That is horrible and I hope they are feeling better today!
Love ya,
Thanks for your kindess little miss french~fry. Sean is off work for a bit so the rest will do him good, and Randi is a tough little cookie so she is going to be fine as well. We put a splint on her finger and she is still going to basket-ball practice tonight. What a fighter huh? Love ya Mish
well, gee la-weez!! I can't believe all that! I hope Sean enjoys his rest and give Randi my love! I know all about injuries...I live with the "Injury Queen", DD. Good thing she wasn't around yesterday, she probably would have ended up with stiches knowing her! Well, maybe you all need tied up so you can't hurt yourselves anymore!!!! See ya!
ha-ha! Dd is the injury queen, we better hush she might fall or something! Hey Dd's coat is in the back of my Jeep! Love ya Mish
yeah, we have been talking about that coat for almost a week now at our house....and it's fucking cold outside too!! We'll get it sooner or later. She has a coat that she wears to work, but i have a feeling, if we don't get it soon, DD will have a very cold Thanksgiving!
ha-ha I will send it with Brookie tonight
Love ya
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