Okay, most of you know there was a comment left that I deleted due to th

e protection of the innocent! Ha-ha. Well we aren't really innocent and sometimes we are or I am an Idiot. If you didn't see the comment the other day that I deleted it said "WHAT A BUNCH OF F
RICKEN IDIOTS!". I deleted it thinking "hey man no one calls my friends or myself idiots unless they are part of the circle!" Well Dd aka Billy "O" fessed up last night, the stranger on the blogger wasn't a stranger at all in fact it was one of us fricken idiots! What you may or may not know is I didn't get the joke! So to maybe go back in time a bit and tell you where Billy "O" got her idea for the comment we would have to revisit this summer on the patio. So ready? Here we go.....
It was a Saturday and Billy "O",
Blue Genie, Boobs & I were helping Billy "O" &
Blue Genie move in some things into Theresa's old house and do some cleaning. So after a few hours of doing the tedious work described above we decided to go buy our
poison and go over to my patio and pollute ourselves. We worked hard not that we need an excuse to drink but hell why not there is an excuse this time! After Boobs & I killed two buckets of margaritas and
Blue Genie & Billy "O" killed ove

r a six pack of bud light we decided to pull out the
Jager. Well I guess in fact not all of us decided to pull out the
Blue Genie & Boobs had to do a run for something (I don't remember at this point what they ran for you know lack of brain cells from drinking! ha-ha) so it was really Billy "O" and I that pulled out the
Jager. And shit I just recalled why the girls left, to go get
Jager bomb glasses that was the reason! So anyhow Dd pulls out the
Jager and mix's her a
Jager bomb and tells me just to swig straight out of the bottle because I despise
Red Bull and drink my
Jager straight up! Well anyway back to the story, so after drinking about a quarter of the
Jager, Billy "O" decides to mow the lawn, I think at this point the
Red Bull kicked in. She kept telling me please let me mow the lawn so when Tim gets home he will be SO happy. Tim had to work that day (and boy was he suprised when he got home alright). I kept telling her I don't know how to work a lawn mower and she said "I do just show me where it is" So we get the lawn mower out and Billy "O" fires it up and starts running around the back yard mowing it as fast as she can while I am standing in the middle of the lawn laughing my drunk ass off. Now it is 8:30 at night and my daughter Randi looks outside and shakes her head and said "what are you guys doing?" of course s

he has this look on her face like we are fricken idiots right. Well I tell her to go back inside Dd just wanted to mow the lawn for daddy and at that same moment Boobs and
Blue Genie pull up and look at us like we are totally crazy too! So then Dd gets the lawn mowed we sit down and all get poured
Jager and OOOOPs I spill mine all over the glass top of the outside bar table. I know that will leave a sticky mess so I proceed to turn the hose on ya know to clean up the table and by this time the cement patio. I am standing there with the hose and nothing is coming out. Why is nothing coming out? I am standing there like "hey where is the water" and just then
Blue Genie said look over there! That is when I discover all I have is a 2 foot extension of the hose and the real hose is pointing at the basement window and oh my GOSH probably flooding my daughter's room! Well just as I get the hose turned off Randi opens that back door and yells "Mom, you fricken IDIOT you are flooding my room!!!!" and then adds "LAY OFF THE ALCOHOL!". Of course at this point we all start laughing hysterically because I just got my ass chewed out by my daughter and everything is funny when you are drunk right? So now you know why Dd thought it would be funny to write the comment "What a bunch of fricken idiots!" And now I think the comment is TOO funny and wished I would of caught the joke sooner. Dd you are funny, I loved your comment and now I know it was all in fun! And if you are wondering YES we cleaned up Randi's room and there was no damage! And
Red Bull really does give you WINGS!
We have another birthday in the house, please everyone join me in wishing Paula a very happy birthday! Her Birthday is Sunday. Paula I hope you have a wonderful birthday! So in honor of Paula I am going to sing to her! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear sweet Paula, Happy Birthday to YOU! Quite frankly I think I sang that perfect don't you Paula? ha-ha I love ya girl!
Thought for the day:
When you lose don't lose the lesson.
new age girl!!! love it thanks for playing it :)....love you and miss u all!! Boobs
glad you liked it babe it was for you, we all miss you hope to see you for Thanksgiving!
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