Saturday was a great time! Kelly's birthday was quite the celebration! And as you can tell it was a Jager night for some! Ha-ha not me though I needed a break from that crazy stuff! It makes you crazy and especially when you mix it with red bull like my girls do! One time Billy "O" started on the Jager bombs and ended up mowing my backyard at 8:30 at night on high speed, it was quite funny! And then there is
Blue Genie on Jager, shit she even got her name because of what she does on Jager! What does

she do? Ha-ha for those of you who don't know she
Blue Genie's everything! Then there is Sean, sorry Sean I have to tell it is so good he does the helicopter in the bar! (Boy that was a night!) You might be wondering what I do? Well I need help off the bar stool, I kicked Theresa once because I had fucking toilet paper stuck on my shoe, I laid on the floor of the bar and took a siesta, and then last but not least I colored my white bra, Jager brown 'cause I start missing my mouth when loaded on Jager! So I think Jager is a drug! It makes sane people crazy! Take a look at Billy "O",
Blue Genie, & Mommasita, doing the Jager Bomb kiss! Well Kelly I hope your birthday was as awesome as you! Here are some pics from the party, enjoy! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Don't ever lose sight of who you are!

thirty one candles for the birthday girl!
"Hey, Launa what can you do with that tongue?"

My Jager girls!

My Best friend & My LOVE.

Play that funky music white girls!
Theresa & Telly
"You want me to do what with your pen, Kelly?"
Did some stranger end up on our blog again?
Yes they did so I will moderate the comments from now on, they won't be published until I okay them.
So hey you out there, IF YOU CAN'T SAY SOMETHING NICE THEN DON'T SAY NOTHIN AT ALL! Learn that from Bambi and if you ask me those are wise words out of Thumpers mouth!
Love ya Kelly!
Oh no, what happened? I hate that strangers think they can comment on our stuff! Sounds like you girls had a wonderful time and I wish I could have been there!
Happy Birthday Kelly!
We wished you could of too! I just think if you have a comment then comment, but don't be a fucking coward and NOT list your name! Everyone has an opinion but if it isn't nice or constructive then keep it to yourself! Right?
YEAH Mish! You tell 'em!
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