Happy Friday! Boy I certainly didn't want to get out of bed this morning! I got just a little smashed last night! It felt good I had a really good time. Luckily the people riding with me got tired or I would of stayed later and then I would really be paying the price this morning! Everyone can always tell when I get to the drunk point. Why? Because that is when I get up put money in the juke box then I proceed to make everyone sing I Wanna Be A Rock Star with me! Or I get crazy with my favorite parts of my songs and sing and dance to them! "Everyone wants to know how to this dance, lift your legs in the air like you wet your pants! Clap your hands on the top of your butt and STOMP AROUND THE WOODS LIKE YOUR ALL FUCKED UP!" ha-ha!!!! We all have our little quirks when we are at that point Tim he gets talkative and flirts with everyone and says naughty things and shares very private things sometimes! Theresa gets heavy eyes and blinks more frequently and we worry she won't be able to pour her beer in the glass, we know Theresa baby that opening in the glass gets smaller as the night grows long! Kelly comes out of her shell and actually will take you up on dares of the blue genie kind! Dd gets affectionate and she giggles at what everyone else is doing and sometimes becomes he woman! Paula she smiles and she stares at her empty beer and says if we are still staying I want another beer! And when she is really, really drunk she wanders off and talks to strangers and wouldn't notice if some jack ass is hitting on her. "Oh, Michelle they are just being NICE....." ha-ha and hell ya they are honey and they want to be a lot NICER to ya! And then there is the "quite frankly I think the bathroom is over here." "No Paula quite frankly the bathroom is over there not in the kitchen of the restaurant!" Then there is Seany, boy he gets more animated and talks more with his hands and sometimes he actually thinks he is a helicopter pilot! And you know there might of been a little lift off last night! Poking fun at all my friends is just in fun you know? Believe me I know I am probably the most fun to poke at when I am drunk! Despite singing (rather badly I am sure) I like to dance like a rock n roll groupie and that includes a little bit of the head banging sort a speak. I really like to get my swing cut hair style rather messy and make sure it is hanging in my face! Ha-ha those of you around me know what I am talking about right? All in all when we all go out we all have a great time and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world! Theresa baby congratulations on your new job, I am thrilled for you and excited that we will be working neighbors! Everyone have a wonderful weekend! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so.. Love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don't. Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, TAKE IT! If it changes your life, LET IT! Nobody said it would be easy... They just promised it would be worth it!
last night was a lot of fun for sure! Sorry i was such a downer, but i was exahusted. DD and i went home, hit the pillows and i swear neither of us moved an inch the whole night. We're talking sleeping limbs this morning, you know pins and needles from the shoulders down! NOT AN INCH OF MOVEMENT! As always, it was great to get together with everyone last night! Oh, and Seany definately had lift off!!!! Have a great weekend and don't forget to call with any good plans!
I slept hard to when I finally went to sleep! ha-ha! Ya we are going to have to get Seany a shirt that says Yes I am a Helicopter Pilot! Prepare for Liftoff! I will call if we get to have any fun! :( have to work Saturday night BUMMER! Maybe Sunday afternoon darts or lunch at the sandbar? Love ya
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