I am feeling great today, I finally kicked this shit and slept last night! Just in time to because tonight is Stacie's Halloween party. Should prove to be a good time! No worries for those of you not going I will be getting some good pictures tonight, shit I still have to down load last Friday nights pics from Dorie's birthday! Everyone that knows me knows that Halloween is my least favorite and I don't like to dress up at all! When I was in grade school my father had to make me dress up for the school party, one year he took white tape and taped all over my clothes and told me "there Michelle go to school you are a mummy!". I think my hate of Halloween came to me clear back to kindergarten when I begged my mother to let me be superman, she kept saying "Michelle, wouldn't you rather be a princess or something like all the other little girls?". "NO" I said and you know I haven't changed I wanted to be different I wanted to be SUPERMAN, I could envision it and I was so excited when she bought me the costume I could barely sleep that night. That morning I dressed up in my costume and my mother took me to school and my teacher had to call her back mid morning because I was hiding in the closet crying. I should of been a damn princess like all the other little girls because everyone in my class made fun of me for being Superman! Boy I have changed haven't I?, now I don't give a shit what anyone thinks! If I had time I would relive that moment tonight at Stacie's party and go to the party as superman! Well probably not, I think I will stick with who I am and leather all up and be a biker bitch, it is what I am good at and hell that is what I look good as! Well everyone have a great weekend, Bobbie is coming in town next weekend so let's all do something fun! HMMMMM maybe Party at my house? Cards and drinks? Be safe and love all around!
Here is a few of your firsts: My first day of school.....
Kelli (french ~ fry) wrote:
Ok I really don’t remember a whole lot about my actual first day of school except that I remember my big sister walking me to my classroom and picking me up there at the end of the day. I also thought it was so weird we had to lie down and rest in the afternoon. I keep thinking I was too big to need a nap! But one of my most vivid memories was in first grade and my best friend was this little black girl but I can’t seem to recall her name today, any way I got my hair cut SHORT and I went to school the next day and my best friend didn’t even talk to me or say anything to me at all and I was so mad because I wanted her to tell me how cute my hair was! But after about an hour of her not talking to me she came up and said oh my goodness Kelli I didn’t know that was you I thought there was a new BOY in our class and I wondered where you were! So I was devastated that she thought I was a boy with my short hair and I’ve never had my hair short again!!
Theresa wrote: (gotta love Theresa she is very factual and no nonsense about her answer)
1968 September
Kelly (Blue Genie) wrote:
Well I don't really remember my FIRST DAY of school, but my FIRST MEMORY of school comes from pre-school. There was this boy named Mark, and he was so tall and handsome (in my eyes), he was the most popular boy in the class! Well I use to chase Mark around the room, the hallway, the playground, and any where else I could chase him. You remember when kids use to wear under shirts and matching underwear? Well i had R2D2, and C3PO ones because you know Star Wars was HUGE at that time. Well, with my fast running feet, I would always catch Mark and then pull up my shirt and skirt and show Mark all my under garments! He would then proceed to yell "YUCK" and tell me to put my clothes back on! Well, not my finest moment, but definitely a funny one!
Paula wrote:
First day of kindergarten I was very excited. My teacher's name was Mrs. Treadway. She had remodeled her garage to accommodate about 25 students. Mrs. Treadway and I had an issue over the way I printed my "A's" . I wanted to make a swirl "a" and she wanted the traditional "A". I decided to keep making the "A" the way I wanted, because she couldn't tell me how to print my letters. What a stubborn little shit, I was. (Maybe still am) Anyway, at kindergarten graduation, I informed my mother that I knew how to spell and read and therefore I didn't need to go on to 1st grade....(ha ha) My mom thought I was a pretty funny little kid, I obviously did go to 1st grade and ended up graduating at the top of my class!!
Thanks to all that shared I love reading them! So your next assignment for Tuesday's blog is to answer this first: The First Kiss...... Come on have fun with it, it doesn't even have to be your real first kiss but maybe your first tongue kiss or your first kiss from a true love or something like that.
Thought for the day:
A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself!
I'm so glad you are finally feeling better. I was really beginning to worry about you! I'm sure you will rock the party as a biker bitch! My favorite Halloween costume was when I dressed up as Shaun Cassidy! Loved HIM!! Anyway have a great time tonight and have a drink for me!
Love ya,
Kelli aka French Fry
Ha-ha I guess I am not the only one that wanted to dress like a boy! I will have atleast two drinks for ya! Love Mish
hey french fry! I had the same thing happen to me when I was in 1st grade! It was a Dorothy Hammil haircut and i was playing in my driveway. this boy and his dad were walking by and the boy was crying for some reason. The dad told the little boy to stop crying because the "BOY OVER THERE" would see him behaving like a baby! I ran inside and swore to never wear my hair short again! Well that didn't happen, i have way too much hair and if i don't keep it short it hurts my head! Now i just curl my short hair so I still feel girly! HaHaHa, that is funny!
That is funny! But I'm sure you were as devastated as I was. I couldn't believe my best friend had said such a thing. I guess we have more in common than just our names!
ya you both have good sized ta ta's as well ha-ha Love both my Kell(i,y)'s
well nice to know we have that in common as well! You crack me up Mish!
Like I have said before got em' flaunt em' baby!
That can be said easier than done for me...When you have nick names like biscuits, jugs, and hoot you tend to keep them in more often. Kelli you rock girl! You know what though? Last night on the radio, they were doing a survey of the EASIEST names people know, like when you are introduced to them you know you'll get laid, and Kelly was the #1 name for girls! I about fell over in my chair!
OH MY HELL! That is too funny. Do you believe that is true?
most certainly I do both the Kelli Kelly's I know are super duper HORNY!
And we learned all our tricks from the master, our beloved Michelle.
haha very funny little girl, we know you are more twisted then the master!!!!
I don't think I am more twisted, who was it that had to explain to me what tossing the salad meant??
I think you looked that up on google...... hmmmm that is the way I remember it. Nice try though Caeser!
Ha ha. Who told me to look it up on Google? that would be you, ms sex master!!
got me confused with...... hmmmm I don't remember. I think it was my sister Kelly Michelle the Blue Genie it was her!
I don't know I still think I need to hear all the other anal adventures of your friends!!
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