Well the power went out this morning at about 6:15 am, what a treat trying to put on make up by flash light ha-ha. It was off for about 2 hours so I had a late start this morning and the kids were a few minutes late, so hopefully this isn't an example of how the day will keep going! Today I have a special treat, Blue Genie chose to write a cute date story. I hope the rest of you will decide to play along it is fun!
My First Kiss
by Blue Genie (Kelly)
It's the last day of 7th grade and I had been going out with Tom Cheney for a while. Well we
all had plans to go to the movies that night and see The Lost Boys. Of course its junior high so all my friends kept talking about me kissing Tom. Well, I had only really kissed one other boy in 6th grade and it was tight lipped and timed by a friend for 30 seconds. Anyway, did I hope to kiss Tom that night at the movies? Well yeah! I really liked him and I had never french kissed anyone and I knew that at the movies is where it was going to happen. So I am getting ready at home, wearing the perfect bra and panties, a very cool outfit, and some new perfume that my mom bought me the night before! I wanted to smell good, because I knew Tom would be close to me. I probably brushed my teeth at least 10 times that night! So we are at the movies, sitting in the very back row in the corner, you know where it is the darkest of all. Tom and I are getting close, holding hands and stuff and he leans over and we start kissing. Well it was an awkward position, and when I leaned over the arm rest to kiss him, I heard something POP! I also felt something POP! I stayed there for a few moments and enjoyed my first wet kiss of course, but then I felt something around my belly. I excused myself and grabbed a friend to run to the restroom with me. When I went in to go to the bathroom, as I was spilling my guts out to my friend about the details, I realized that my bra seemed undone. I totally freaked out! I was ready to kiss a boy but getting under my clothes was not what I had in mind. Instantly I was mad at Tom! I thought what a creep-O! I couldn't believe that he was experienced enough to undo my bra without my knowledge! My friend kept telling me to stay calm and to hold my ground and just tell Tom that I didn't want to go that far. So I proceeded to undo my shirt and stuff so I could re-hook my bra and found out that my bra was broken! The strap had totally come un-sewn and there was no repairing it! Now of course my first thought was that slime ball Tom broke my bra! I was so pissed! My friend left me in the bathroom to go and finish making out with her boyfriend and said that she was going to tell Tom that I would be right back. i then asked the person behind the snack counter if they had a safety pin, they said no. I asked the ticket sales person if they had a safety pin, they said no too. I ended up staying in the bathroom forever trying to attach the damn bra strap. I was like wrapping it around the main part of the bra and tying it into a knot to secure it! Then of course when I put my shirt back on I had this HUGE bulge in the back. Well when I finished doctoring the bra, i went back to go see Tom. He had moved from the back row and was sitting up by all his guy friends.....he duped me right there at the movies cause he said I didn't appreciate his company and wasn't spending enough time with him! Oh the nerve! I told him that I didn't appreciate him undoing my bra when we had just had our first kiss. Turns out Tom didn't break my bra, he didn't even touch it....or me again for that matter!

Thought for the day:
May you always know peace, love, light and laughter.
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