Story #1
Most of you know I have been with Tim forever and we use to love to "park" in High School. You know the song Animals, well it wasn't ever my dad that caught us it was the police more then a few times! One of my most funny memories of "Parking" was when Tim and I and his cousin Tom and my friend Patti went up to the falls and parked side by side on a beautiful Friday night. I was chewing bubble gum a usual for me. I was totally 80's girl in High School I had the big hair, I chewed bubble gum, wore cherry flavored lip gloss and wore the all famous button fly 501 jeans. Okay back to the story..... Tim and I were making out listening probably to Ratt or something like that, and after about a 1/2 an hour I was like "Tim, I lost my gum." He said "What?" I said "I had gum in my mouth and now I can't find it!" Tim opened the car door and was looking all around and all of a sudden I spotted the gum. At the same time I found where my gum was his cousin and Patti had come over to see what was going on. I pointed down and said there is the gum! The gum had fallen and was so mashed into Tim's hair by his belly button it was even stuck to his skin! He was NOT amused by me at all. Tim and his cousin had to cut the bubble gum out of his hair with a pocket knife. Even though I still to this day find humor in this story I don't think Tim does and NO I don't chew bubble gum anymore!
Story #2
Do you all remember the drive in? Boy I miss the drive in, Tim and I loved to go to the drive in on Saturday night. I didn't have to lie to my mom and say I was going to the movie and we were actually "parking" . So the drive in killed two birds with one stone sorta speak. Well I will ruin my innocence here ha-ha but one time we were at the drive in and we were having a really great time when we decided we were hungry and wanted popcorn and a drink. Tim said "where is my underwear?" and for the life of me I didn't know and we couldn't find it anywhere! So after wasting some time searching for it Tim thought screw it put on his jeans and proceeded to the concession stand to get popcorn. When he came back he tapped on the window for me to open the door and when I did I looked down and his underwear was hanging out of the bottom of his jeans! Of course like the previous story I found great humor in what happened and of courseTim did NOT. He grabbed them from his pant leg and said "dammit!" and threw them in the car. I continued to laugh about it all evening and wondered how many people saw his underwear hanging out his pant leg!
Isn't life fun! So come on share some stories with me. I will be waiting!
Thought for the day:
Life is a Journey not a Destination! Aerosmith~
I really want to write something, but I am too damn busy at work!!! SO SORRY!!!!! I barely had time to even get a chance to read it! Gotta Go!
Good stories Hunnie! Gotta run too, but keep writing, and I will try to write too. Love ya!
haha busy day for all! Talk to ya both later! M
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