Well some of you know..... Last night I really tied one on. I needed that! Boy between work and Children of the Corn I was ready to cut loose! You know why I call them Children of the Corn? Well Dorie said it once and I took onto it because if you think about it sometimes it really feels like our children are trying to kill us! I rented the movie for my kids! ha-ha It is funny how kids think money grows on trees and that you can do 50 million things at one time! I am blessed both my girls get straight A's, are absolutely beautiful, and for the most part sweethearts,

but there are those occasions! They seem to come more frequently now days because they are at that age. I always thought I wouldn't be a screamer like my mother but HELL that went out the window! Sometimes you can't get the point across unless you have your volume on total full blast! God Bless those mommies that always use their quiet voices and can discuss instead of demand! I guess I am just not wired that way! Well my kids would certainly not be afraid of an army drill Sargent they would look at him and say "is that all you got, you aren't half as scary as my mother!" The other day I was looking at an email and this little girl was wearing a shirt that said "if you think I am a bitch you should meet my mom". I thought at the time how inappropriate but today I think maybe I should buy that shirt for my youngest! ha-ha not really I am not that red neck! I love my kids to death but there are days! But you know I will miss them when they move out so I will take the good with the bad!
Well this weekend should be fun! Saturday we are all going out to throw darts and get polluted what better thing to do on a Saturday evening! Rest up girls on Friday night, if any of you puss out cause you wasted your fun on Friday night I will track you down and make you go anyway! ha-ha!
Thought for the day:
If anyone speaks badly of you, live so none will believe it!
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