The list of firsts has been fun for me to read. I looked over each of the 13 questions and enjoyed going back in my memories to remember each one of my firsts and what they meant to me. I am hoping everyone took the same interest I did with them. So I am posting the ones that chose to be part of memory lane, and thanks for letting all of us get to know you better. For those of you that still want to participate and maybe forgot or lost the list here they are again. I would like to continue to post some more of the answers to the list but we will see how many answers I get by Thursday for the First date.
1. First day of school:
2. First Kiss:
3. First date:
4. First car:
5. First time:
6. First break up:
7. First job:
8. First to lose job:
9. First love:
10. First drink:
11. First sign of back bone:
12. First ambition:
13. First realization of mortality:
So here we go……… FIRST KISS……
Michelle’s First Kiss:
My first kiss was in kindergarten (remember kiss chase?) but I am choosing to write about my first French kiss. And believe me I am not choosing to write about it because it was a great kiss but because it was a terrible kiss and I wondered what the hell was wrong with the French! My story takes me back to 8th grade. In 8th grade I and my girlfriends spent every Friday or Saturday night at the skating rink. Skating was huge back then and that is where all the cool kids hung out and it was a great place to meet up with boys from the other Junior Highs. My boyfriend for that particular week was a boy named Blaine. Blaine was so good looking to me when I was in 8th grade and all my friends were very envious that he liked me. I liked him until that is the…. “KISS”. Okay, here is how it happened. We were standing outside the skating rink waiting for our rides when it happened. He leaned in to kiss me and I leaned in with total anticipation I just knew it would be great he was cute you know! As we kissed he proceeded to swirl his tongue around in my mouth and I not knowing what th
e hell he was doing did NOT reciprocate with rolling my tongue with his! (yes I was naïve hard to believe I know but I was in 8th grade for Heaven’s sake!) I backed up looking at him with horror in my eyes. I said “Disgusting what was that?” He laughed and he said “You haven’t been French kissed before?” And of course NO I hadn’t and at that point I didn’t want to EVER again! That was the end of going out with Blaine, and I made sure all my envious friends new he sucked in the kissing department! If I wanted a tongue in my mouth and slobber around my lips I could kiss my dog for that kind of action! I am still not real fond of the “French Kiss” but hell not everything is for everyone right? My kind of kissing is more Americanized and a lot sexier then twisting my tongue around another’s!
Kelly’s First Kiss:
My very first kiss happened in 5th grade. I was going out with Scott, (who's last name I can't recall in this moment) and we had been going out all most the entire year. We were at recess hanging out with my two friends Carly and Amy. I don't remember how the whole kiss thing came up, you know like if Scott brought it up or if Amy dared us. Hell we might have even planned it and we asked the girls to cover for us. I just remember being in the cement tunnels, way in the back area of the playground. Scott and I were sitting in the tunnel facing eachother, and Amy and Carly were standing on either end of the tunnel so nobody could see in. I believe we counted to three to start and then counted to three to stay. When we were finished we both got out of the tunnel and told Amy and Carly that "We did it!" Amy didn't believe us, she made us both get back into the tunnel and do it again. Well I didn't argue with her and neither did Scott. We got back into the tunnel and kissed again! The second time was even better than the first because there was no counting involved. We probably thought we were pro's the second time around :-)
Kelli’s First Kiss:
Ok so do you remember back in the day (ha ha) when you would peel the shiny part off your gum wrappers and for everyone that you got apart without ripping meant you could get a kiss? Well I figured out that if you run over them with your curling iron they peel right apart. So I had a bunch! Any way, this boy in my neighborhood and I were ‘going out’ and we sat together on the bus and things like that but we hadn’t ever really been out of done anything than hold hands. Well one day he asked if we could go for a walk. It was a fall afternoon and kinda chilly and my mom couldn’t figure out why I wanted to go for a walk because it was so cold so I ended up taking my dog Princess with me just to act like I was taking her for a walk. So we met at the top of the street and we were holding hands and walking up the hill onto this trail that went back into a kinda wooded area. And of course I took all my gum wrappers with me. So we get to the top and we are sitting on this rock and talking and I pulled out my gum wrappers and he didn’t know what they were for!!! I was so embarrassed that I had to explain it to him but I did and then he kissed me for every one I had. There wasn’t any tongue kissing on that one but I’ll never forget it and I thought I was pretty tricky for figuring out an easier way to get the gum wrappers apart!
Sheila’s First Kiss: (Sheila is one of my old School friends that I have recently regained touch with) Sheila send me by email a new pic of you so I can post it and introduce you to the whole gang!
On the side of a bowling alley with a boy from Texas....he was there working with his dad!
Theresa’s First Kiss:
One that meant anything- 9th grade
Thought for the day:
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
1. First day of school:
2. First Kiss:
3. First date:
4. First car:
5. First time:
6. First break up:
7. First job:
8. First to lose job:
9. First love:
10. First drink:
11. First sign of back bone:
12. First ambition:
13. First realization of mortality:
So here we go……… FIRST KISS……
Michelle’s First Kiss:
My first kiss was in kindergarten (remember kiss chase?) but I am choosing to write about my first French kiss. And believe me I am not choosing to write about it because it was a great kiss but because it was a terrible kiss and I wondered what the hell was wrong with the French! My story takes me back to 8th grade. In 8th grade I and my girlfriends spent every Friday or Saturday night at the skating rink. Skating was huge back then and that is where all the cool kids hung out and it was a great place to meet up with boys from the other Junior Highs. My boyfriend for that particular week was a boy named Blaine. Blaine was so good looking to me when I was in 8th grade and all my friends were very envious that he liked me. I liked him until that is the…. “KISS”. Okay, here is how it happened. We were standing outside the skating rink waiting for our rides when it happened. He leaned in to kiss me and I leaned in with total anticipation I just knew it would be great he was cute you know! As we kissed he proceeded to swirl his tongue around in my mouth and I not knowing what th

Kelly’s First Kiss:
My very first kiss happened in 5th grade. I was going out with Scott, (who's last name I can't recall in this moment) and we had been going out all most the entire year. We were at recess hanging out with my two friends Carly and Amy. I don't remember how the whole kiss thing came up, you know like if Scott brought it up or if Amy dared us. Hell we might have even planned it and we asked the girls to cover for us. I just remember being in the cement tunnels, way in the back area of the playground. Scott and I were sitting in the tunnel facing eachother, and Amy and Carly were standing on either end of the tunnel so nobody could see in. I believe we counted to three to start and then counted to three to stay. When we were finished we both got out of the tunnel and told Amy and Carly that "We did it!" Amy didn't believe us, she made us both get back into the tunnel and do it again. Well I didn't argue with her and neither did Scott. We got back into the tunnel and kissed again! The second time was even better than the first because there was no counting involved. We probably thought we were pro's the second time around :-)
Kelli’s First Kiss:
Ok so do you remember back in the day (ha ha) when you would peel the shiny part off your gum wrappers and for everyone that you got apart without ripping meant you could get a kiss? Well I figured out that if you run over them with your curling iron they peel right apart. So I had a bunch! Any way, this boy in my neighborhood and I were ‘going out’ and we sat together on the bus and things like that but we hadn’t ever really been out of done anything than hold hands. Well one day he asked if we could go for a walk. It was a fall afternoon and kinda chilly and my mom couldn’t figure out why I wanted to go for a walk because it was so cold so I ended up taking my dog Princess with me just to act like I was taking her for a walk. So we met at the top of the street and we were holding hands and walking up the hill onto this trail that went back into a kinda wooded area. And of course I took all my gum wrappers with me. So we get to the top and we are sitting on this rock and talking and I pulled out my gum wrappers and he didn’t know what they were for!!! I was so embarrassed that I had to explain it to him but I did and then he kissed me for every one I had. There wasn’t any tongue kissing on that one but I’ll never forget it and I thought I was pretty tricky for figuring out an easier way to get the gum wrappers apart!
Sheila’s First Kiss: (Sheila is one of my old School friends that I have recently regained touch with) Sheila send me by email a new pic of you so I can post it and introduce you to the whole gang!
On the side of a bowling alley with a boy from Texas....he was there working with his dad!
Theresa’s First Kiss:
One that meant anything- 9th grade
Thought for the day:
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
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