How do working mother's handle it all? I need, I want, I have to have..... This week has been a real week from HELL. I love my girls and I wish I could give them the world but it just isn't possible. This age is so hard, the home work, the extra activities, the stress with friends and then needing to be so many places and I work. How do working mother's do it all? Of course it doesn't help that I work clear out of town and the price of gas is killing me! I think wow I can hardly wait until Randi can drive but then isn't that a whole bunch of more added stress? The worry and the cost of the vehicle, the gas, and the insurance! Boy I wish that sometimes life would give me a break!!!! As children age they get more and more expensive! So this morning I blew I mean really blew. I had my limit this morning and I was a raving lunatic. Do I feel better? Perhaps a bit. I had a good crying and screaming fit which helped me regroup and refocus. Made me late for work and made one of my daughters late for school but I think a good cry is good for the soul. So today I am praying for some weight to be lifted off my shoulders and hoping that next week will be much easier on me! Love all around....
Thought for the day.
Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the
People who treat you right. Forget about the one's who
Don't. Believe everything happens for a reason.. If you
Get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it
Changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy,
They just promised it would be worth it.
1 comment:
I wonder how we do it as well, it is rough. It does get easier when they can help run themselves around and their siblings! But you worry more and more. Kacie took her first road trip this past weekend, took the car by herself and went about three hours north. I was a nervous wreck but she did very well and I'm very proud of her! Things will get easier, I promise. You need some Michelle time!
Love ya!
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