I don't know why I am excited it is Friday ha-ha I do have to work this weekend! We do have a time set for Sunday now however, it will be at noon. I hope all of you can come! It will be a good time I am sure. Well yesterday afternoon my day went sour. When I decided to be a Mother I guess I only saw the fun of it all! Boy mother hood is fun but it is a lot of HARD work. Tim and I have such pretty girls and both of them are out going have lots of friends and achieve pretty much straight A's. Other then occasional mouthing off my kids have been fairly outstanding children. I have two very different personalities when it comes to my girls but with a little over a year differences in ages they are very close. I am extremely blessed. The trouble I am having with them? Is what television, magazines, and clothing lines have done to our young girls and what they make them believe is the body they should have. All the styles for this generation is skewed for the very thin. I feel very sorry for girls that are in their teens and are more the size of women and still want to wear what society has told them is fashion or IN. My daughter Brooke is model thin and my daughter Randi is athletically built both in my eyes are very thin. Of late I have Randi wanting to spend all her hard earned money on stupid exercise equipment and complaining that she isn't as thin as Brooke. I try to explain to her there isn't a perfect size that everyone is built differently and to be confident in herself. Randi is my daughter that is always more quiet and less bold so I always have to tell her you are fine the way you are you are beautiful. Now Brooke she is more like me she thinks she is the cat's meow and has even stated on a couple occasions that her friends all copy her and everyone wants to be her. I always tell her Brookie do you need to watch Mean Girls again. LOL But she knows I love that kind of confidence because she came by it honestly from her vain mother! So imagine my surprise yesterday when I got a call from the school nurse telling me she thinks my daughter might have an eating disorder. Wow I didn't see that coming at all don't women with eating disorder's lack self confidence? So we are working on a mend and I will get her help to see herself as all of us do. But it sure makes you blame yourself and feel as a failure as a mother. Secondly I blame what we show as beautiful in United States which is sickly thin. Queen Latifa's new comercial is a good start to correct our thoughts of what we consider a right size have you seen it. It is for Jenny Craig I think. She says when people ask her what size she is she tells them I am a size healthy and she also states find your size. I like that ad and it isn't telling women there is one size for every woman not everyone can be a size 3! Well thanks for all the support I have gotten from all of you! Everything will work out I live my life by Faith and that always pulls me through! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Hey Mish,
I'm so sorry your girls are feeling the pressure. I agree, society is tough on young ones. I love the new Queen Latifa commercial as well, it states a great message. We are here for you hon.
Love ya,
you are a good friend which won't go unnoticed! Thank you!
I honestly thought that lately Brookie wasn't like herself in dance class....very tired and drained, but also just not as viberant on the outside either, there just wasn't that glow that she usually has in her face,... i will be praying for her, and you too!
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