Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sometimes friends fight.....

Forgiveness makes your heart mend. After I had calmed down reevaluated the situation I realized I needed to be fair and hear the other side. Even though I personally would of done things differently doesn't always mean the other person is wrong. I was told that even friends fight and you know that is true I don't know why I expect that not to be but it is. Sometimes when you have a really bad fight with a friend and you end up making up it can go two ways it can bring you closer or it can cause a wedge not soon forgotten. This situation has brought me closer to the person I had the disagreement with. I think that how genuine they are makes all the difference between the two. Some people are going to hurt you in life it is that simple but if it isn't intentional or in some cases if it was the way they apologize and the sincerity behind it makes all the difference. I do think the position of the moon or something in the air is causing havoc on my friends. I had my upset with two close friends, then DD is having a struggle, and then Launa has been disappointed by a trusted friend. Wow what is going on? DD love I am here for you when you hurt I hurt it makes me sad that you are so sad. We will work through this honey I promise things will look up. Launa honey I am always here for you too, sometimes friends hurt us and I hope that she makes it right with you if she doesn't honey she wasn't your friend to begin with. It takes character and guts to admit when you are wrong. Love all around.....
Thought for the day:
Never lower yourself to someone else's standard....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are so right Michelle. We all have to be here for each other. Dee Dee I love you Sunshine and I am always here for you. Launa I don't know you that well, but I am always here for you too. We are all blessed to have such good friends.

Love you all!!!
