Okay where the hell is spring it is snowing like a bitch out there today! Looks just like Christmas! I am tired of this weather how about all of you? Brooke for the second time got her last running events cancelled at the track meet because of this damn weather! Well I officially have a cold. Sucks big time! This is the worst winter I have had in years I think this is about the 3rd or 4th time I have been sick this winter usually I get by with none to one time. So I am looking forward to warm weathe

r and blue skies! This weekend Brooke took a Ruby award for her Drill Team performance! I am very proud of her this is the first time she competed. We owe a huge Thank You to Kelly what a hell of a teacher! I love her her style and her perfectionism the performance was awesome! We love you Kelly

Thank you so much for all the effort you put into what you do! Theresa baby yes you can have copies of any of my pictures we will need to sit down one day go through them and send them over the computer to Walgreen's and have them printed. That is what I do! I have so many photos and I have not put them in albums for at least 10 years!!!! Holy Shit! I need to spend days and days and get those photos out of a storage tub and into albums! When to find the time! I really don't have much of that! I am really looking forward to a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon with who ever of you all are showing up at Chatter's we will discuss times later! Sean & Shelly's Grandpa just had heart surgery so please incl
ude him and the family in your prayers! Thank you! Love all around!

Thought for the day:
God determines who walks into your life....it's up to you to decidewho you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go."
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