Am I actually a pick up artist in the real sense? No…. I am very happily married and have the husband of most women’s dreams and for that fact of mine too. (Tim’s story will wait for another blog!) I am a Master at picking up new friends and yes some of them I have picked up sorta speak at the bar, like Boobs (Bobbie), Launa & my person of choice to blog about today, Theresa. Have you ever met someone you swear their heart is made of gold? That is Theresa, she is fiercely loyal and one of the most giving persons I know. She can also drink most men under the table! Gotta love that in a girl, right? I can’t believe I have only known Theresa just a little over a year and from the
moment I met her I felt like I have known her a lifetime. Can a life be richer just by knowing someone; I am here to tell you yes it can. I guess by the title of my blog today you can guess just by that alone where I found Theresa! Ha-ha. Do I meet all my friends in a bar or do we all just drink when we are together? Heck no but this is the BEST stuff to write about! Don’t you think?

I was throwing darts with my usual crowd of friends when she walked in the joint. (Ha-ha sounded like one of those lines from a cheesy detective story). Theresa evidentially had met Sean one of my good friends an evening before when Shelly, Sean’s sister introduced the two. So when she walked in and we all greeted her and had introductions all around that is how it all began…..
She is one of my very best friends now and she is engaged to marry Sean. That is why I always tell everyone, everything happens for a reason. Theresa I am so glad that you walked into that bar that given night! Meant to be I tell ya! If I had never got to met you I would never of got to see that great head stand and flip you can do off of the couch while intoxicated a

Now to leave you with my thought for the day:
In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E.coli) bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of Poop.
However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, or beer) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.
Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health.Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service
Theresa, my darling! Theresa changed my life dramatically just over three weeks ago! She opened up her heart and her home to me and my family. Because of Theresa, I sleep peacefully at night, I come home to a place that is comfy and warm, and my family is back together! Here's to you my love, for all you have done, and everything you continue to do! Cheers to you and your Honey! Love ya, Kelly
Kelly thanks for the loving comment to Theresa, you are the bomb girl and I know Theresa feels the same as I when I say honey you deserve anything we can and will give you. M
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