Most of you haven't got the pleasure of meeting Delicia, my friend that I have known the longest (longest that I stay in close touch with that is.) Delicia and I don't do much together, because right now we are in two different areas of our life. She has a son just about to turn one and as you all know my children are 14 & 15, but just because we don't do much together at this juncture in life doesn't mean we aren't still close. Delicia is on of my dearest friends and our relationship is more like we our sisters then friends. I have more stories then ever about Delicia and I but they are all from when we were kids, I will share some here and there and some of my newer friends can really see where my crazy side began! and you all thought I just began being wild in my 30's nah, I always have been!I met Delicia when I was 13 years old it was the summer between 6th and 7th grade, Delicia was 12. My mother and father had just separated and we were moving into my Grandfather's house who passed away the year prior. It was a hard time in my life and I was glad to have met her that summer. So how did we meet? I was in the yard with my younger brother when I got hit in the head with a crab apple. In my grandfathers yard was a huge crab apple tree and then a line of hedges that blocked the view of the alley. So when I looked around I couldn't see who threw the apple
, but when about 5 more proceeded to hit me and my little brother in the head I could plainly see three kids laughing and ducking behind the hedges. I ran around those hedges and chased them down the alley and that is how I became friends with Delicia, her older brother Jimmy and her younger sister Jenny. The summer I met the 3 of them became the most rememberable childhood memories, that I still cherish until this day.
Delicia lived down the alley from me and everytime we wanted to see eachother instead of using the phone we would run to the far corner of our back yards and yell agoogy poogy! Agoogy poogy? It came from a stupid McDonald's commercial where Ronald McDonald was dressed up as a baby and said agoogy poogy, what can I say we were goofy little kids! I like to say that was the last thing we took from a commercial and used it in our childhood fun but that wouldn't be so. We also thought we would star in a Dr Pepper commercial at that age to. Do you remember the Dr. Pepper commercial that went I'm a pepper, your a pepper, wouldn't you like to be a pepper too? Be a pepper drink Dr. Pepper. Well Delicia and I for hours would dance around my back yard with our batons and sing that song. Give me a break at least we aren't like the kids these days that sit in front of the tv and play video games we made our own fun! Delicia's and our child hood together was mostly good times but one year I almost lost her when she was hit by a vehicle on second street. She was just grounded the day before for coming to my house instead of going to Mini Mart to go get bread and so the next day when Delicia didn't return home a quickly as she should of from going to get milk from Mini Mart her mother called my house looking for her. I sure wished that she would of been at my house that night! Delicia was in a coma for a bit and slowly recovered from being hit by a truck. I am so thankful that a miracle was given to her and her family & me because I would of missed out on such a great friend if I lost her that day. Delicia is right up there with Paula on the sweetness chart. Delicia is a kind soul that has blessed my life in so many ways. I am sure you will find in all my stories you can agree with my saying "everything happens for a reason!" Love ya Delicia! (here are some pics of Delicia and I and her sister) I will have to scan some childhood pictures and share them sometime.
My thought for the day:
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent!
Thanks for letting us know Delica a little bit better. Sounds like that was quite the summer for you. And it sounds like you made quite a few life long friends and I'm sure you were glad to have them. Thanks for sharing with us.
Love ya,
Summers lasted so much longer when we were children don't you think? I would love to go back to the time where summers were for play and we had no worries or responsibilities! It is sad these days kids don't have the fun we use to, you can't let your kids run around like we did back then nor do they make up games or play outside like we did.
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