It is Friday!Today I am dedicating my blog to my friend French~fry. French~fry? Most of you know I like to nickname my friends. No, I don't have a nickname for all my friends yet it has to come to me, and some of my friends I just haven't had one come to mind yet. I have a few delightfully nicknamed, like Boobs (Bobbie) we all know why I fondly call her that, they enter the room before she does, she can make them dance with NO hands required and the first time I met here she said "feel them they feel real don't they?" So her nickname came to me easily. Then I have my two "sisters"
Blue Genie (Kelly) & Billy "O" (Dd). Well Kelly was named
Blue Genie
, which most of you know why but for those of you who don't let me tell ya! Have you ever seen the reality show King of Cars if you haven't please watch it! Kelly drinks Red Bull and Jager and she
blue genie's everything, my lawn chair, my washing machine, my fridge, Tim's tool box, my Jeep, me, Billy "O" , the juke box at the bar (see the picture) and anything else she feels like doing the
blue genie on. Believe me no one or thing is safe from the
BLUE GENIE! Red Bull really does give you wings, huh Kel? Then I have my other "sis" she isn't my real sis but boy do we have a lot of the same traits, I fondly call her Billy "O" because (
oops can't tell you it is a little x-rated!) You will have to know me well enough to know a song I like a lot that has that name in the lyrics and that will clue you off or you can bribe
Blue Genie with some Red Bull and Jager to tell you why! She told me a story when liqueured up one night and now we have Dd nicknamed Billy "O"! Soooooo back to French Fry, I met Kelli a little over three years ago. I actually work with her but she lives in Utah and works for the Utah Plant. You are probably wondering how did she get her nickname? and if you aren't I am going to tell you why any way! ha-ha When she came to get trained I went to lunch with her twice and dinner once and the only thing she ate was french fries! No joke, so that is why I call her french~fry. I dedicated my blog today to her because she so badly wants to meet all of my friends and I wanted you to meet her! Since she lives so far away I thought I could at least introduce her to you on my blog. So here is a picture of my friend French~fry (Kelli) and her daughter Kacie. Someday I hope you all will get the pleasure of meeting Kelli in person, so girls do you think French~fry can hang with us
Crazy Bitchs? A little Jager and just maybe...... Your turn French~fry comment and tell my friends more about yourself or girls comment and ask French~fry some questions!
Have a great weekend! My Promise for the weekend? I promise not to use the hose! Wouldn't want to be told by my 15 year old daughter "Mom, you freakin idiot, lay off the alcohol! ha-ha Guess you had to be there! Huh, Boobs, Billy "O" and Blue Genie? Here is my thought for the day:
Friends are like butt cheeks.
Crap might separate them, But they always come back together.
I am so honored to have today's post be all about me! Thanks so much. I knew we were going to be the best of friends from the first time we talked on the phone over three years ago. I know it is hard to believe that we could be such close friends and yet live so far away but I truly enjoy your friendship and all the time that we spend talking. You have been there for me through every joy and hard time and that is something I will never forget. You have always told me honestly what i needed to hear, even when I didn't want to hear it, and I appreciate that more than you will ever know. I can't wait to come visit you and party with all your cool friends and see if I can keep up! Here in Utah not a whole lot of partying goes on but I manage to find some every once in a while. Thanks again Michelle and I love you!
My little French~fry. I am very thankful for the day you came into my life. Like I always say everything in life happens for a reason and everyone is worth knowing. Miles will never seperate the freindship we share. Friends are blessings and you truly add to my life! Love ya, Mish.
Hi French Fry! This is the one and only Blue Genie! Don't believe ALL of what you read about me, I may get wild but let me assure you that EVERYONE encurages me and pushes me into it. Sometimes they don't lay off until I give in. HOWEVER, I do have a lot of fun, and I make great memories when I do! It was nice to hear about you Kelli, I too hope we can all meet and hang out together! (Partying not required, but most likely) Mish, you are the GREATEST! Thanks for bringing so many good people into our lives, including yourself!
Well, this whole thing is new to me, and I tried to sign my name as (of course) BLUE GENIE and it didn't let me spit it out!!!
Thanks blue genie, it was great to hear a little bit about you as well. I'm sure there is a little pressure going on to do some wild and crazy things but that is then the most fun is had. I'm sure glad Michelle is in all our lives.
Blue Genie provoked or encouraged to be naughty? hmmmm by me I am so innocent! Gotta love that pic though! Blue Genie, Blue Genie, Blue Genie! Go Blue Genie! Life is good! *smooches*
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