Most of you know Dorie, she is one of my oldest friends. Not by age but in length. Dorie is the one with beautiful blond hair and the prettiest eyes that anyone has ever seen. Dorie is the woman that walks in the bar and women and men both stop to stare in her direction. She certainly doesn’t have to buy many drinks when she goes out!!!! Dorie is my heart and soul friend. She is the friend that has seen me at my darkest and been through more life experiences with me then any other friend other then Delicia. Dorie and I are both bull headed but I know she will continue to love me NO matter what, and I her. I have a tendency to mother Dorie, but damn it some times she needs mothering! Ha-ha. Dorie is certainly a friend that I trust with anything and she is one that probably knows me better then my own mother. I know she and I will grow old together and we will still be looking out for each other, like I said she isn’t just in my heart she is in my soul! I have shared so many good times with Dorie but I love most the story of how I met her and it really shows that everything happens for a reason.
I was 14 and so Dorie was 13 (we went to different schools), when my father moved into a house in Paradise Valley shortly after my mother and he had separated. I was at my fathers that weekend and I saw her out in her front yard next door to my father’s house

and we started talking. You know girls at that age talk about boyfriends…. Well we were really getting along we

ll and we had a lot in common including our boyfriends having the same first name. Can you believe that? Well it gets better come to find out he had the same last name too! So Dorie and I walked down to his house and he answered the door. I would have loved to capture his face when he saw both of us standing at his door together. Priceless. Well we certainly have moved on from that two timer (his name was Darryl if you were wondering)! We are both married now and go figure our husbands don’t share the same first name or last for that fact! There is so many stories I would love to tell about her and her & I but I think I should save them and sneak one in every now and then!
Thought for the day:
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
That is the funniest story I have heard in a long time. I bet that boys face was priceless. And I bet he learned his lesson and didn't go two timing again! I can't wait to meet Dorie!!
Love ya,
Kel, Dorie would love you! Of course we share such a bond if I love a friend or she loves a friend we automatically do. Thanks for all your comments! You are such a support to me! M
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