Friday, September 28, 2007

Do you know who the unknown comic is??????

I haven’t received any stories as of yet so I guess you are stuck with my ramblings. I have been told your stories are coming. :0)

I love practical jokes. LOVE THEM. I do them now and then and they come to me in a time of silliness. Yes, I do usually crack myself up! So I thought I would share one of those stories with you today, believe me I have plenty and I am sure I will get an opportunity to sneak one in my blog every now and then.

The names in this story have NOT been changed because the persons in this story are NOT innocent and need no protection!

One evening my friend Kim, my sister in law Laurie and myself decided to pull a prank on a girl one of us was related to and to be honest none of us particularly liked. So it was a prank to us, and not so funny to this girl. I won’t release her name, no she isn’t innocent but HELL even after all these years she would not find humor in what we did. (Thank God she would never read this blog!) What did we do? Well let me date myself, do you remember the unknown comic? If you don’t he was a comic that came on stage wearing a paper bag on his head with only eye holes cut out of the bag. What possessed us to dress like the unknown comic this particular night might not ever be known.

Kim, Laurie and I went to the grocery store and instead of buying a 98 cent carton of eggs, Kim stole the eggs out of the carton and put them in her pockets (can we say clepto?) and then we proceeded up to the check out lane to get 2 paper bags. (Yes this happened a long time ago before they had plastic!) We then got in Laurie’s car and cut holes in the paper bags for our eyes and proceeded over to the targets house. Now if you know my sister in law Laurie you would be like WOW she did this shit with you? YES she did and she was an awesome get away driver! Kim and I put the bags over our heads while she was driving us over to the targets house, Laurie parks the car down the block and around the corner and we leave the doors open for a quick get away. We walk up the street with these damn bags on our heads & eggs in our jacket pockets on a very busy street none the less to this girl’s house. When we arrive at the house we ring the door bell and run to sidewalk and wait for the target to open the door. Target opens the door and wham, bam, slam, egg face and house! We then proceed to run down the street with these damn bags on our head, laughing hysterically. Now you can imagine when you are running the eye holes in the bags are not really staying in alignment with our real eyes! So here we are trying to run in a straight line on a busy street none the less laughing our asses off while trying to hold these damn bags in place! We hop in the get away car and drive off and continue to think we are the funniest damn people alive! Did we get caught?

NO we didn’t get caught but close. Kim was the one related to this girl, and yes the girl did call the police about the incident. She told the police that there was a short girl and a tall girl running away from her house with bags on their head and she THINKS these girls looked like it was us. The police only contacted Kim, and well we had our shit together and WE had an air tight alibi! Thank you Delicia, I promise it was just one lie you won’t go to Hell! (Lucky for me I have no rap sheet which would include being with a shoplifter, assault with a deadly egg & impersonating The Unknown Comic!) My unknown comic days are behind me or are they?????????
Thought for the Day:
Live is short so have fun with it and don't forget to LAUGH!


French Fry said...

That is the funniest story I have ever heard and I can just see you guys running down the street laughing. The only thing you didn't mention was if there was any alcohol involved in this little stunt. If I see someone with a bag over their head I'll make sure to watch for the deadly egg attack.
Love ya,

~M~ said...

NO alcohol involved! Can you believe it! I was and still am a little crazy.

Anonymous said...

You NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY lil girl!! now I know for sure that you are CRAZY!!! I remember a time when someone came to my house and used a potato gun, well my daddy (5'4" and 300 lbs) got in his truck and ran the boys down and boy were they scared...they also cleaned every house on the block, windows included! All in thanks to my ever loving, but scary looking daddy! YOU ARE SUCH A SHIT MISH, BUT I LOVE YOU!!

~M~ said...

thanks! I know I am a crazy shit, makes life interesting doesn't though? haha