Yesterday was Thirsty Thursday definitely quenched my thirst last night! But boy am I hungry I haven't eaten since yesterday noonish! I went to lunch with Launa yesterday and I think the cook of the cafe we went to wanted to put me on the menu! Wow did I feel like a order of beef! All of you know women are drawn to me and I don't mean in a friendship kind of way they really want to BE with me. There are many stories to be told about this but I will share this one today. So with that being said the cook of the cafe Launa and I ate at yesterday was a big burly woman with arm tattoo's and a very butch hair cut, she looked me up and down and I could tell by the look she gave me she literally wanted to eat me up! Ha-ha! She told me she loved the way I dressed and that women that wear black look so classy and she loved my hair and who knows what else she said I was like wow mmmmmm thanks?!? She walked away without even acknowledging Launa so Launa said "That was weird!" "I felt very ignored.." and "I think I am kind of jealous!" LOL So there is my lunch time story! I think if I preferred to be with a woman then I would have quite the selection to choose from! But in the long run a compliment is a compliment and even if I am not interested in the same sex as I am I still feel good when a compliment is thrown my way! Well last night I had a good time possibly too good of a time! I just have a few drinks then the juke box is playing my favorite tunes and then what can I say ..... I am a crazy bitch! Met some nice people last night so Rainey if you are reading Hello we hope to meet up again real soon! Blue Genie when is Billy "O"'s Birthday Party? Now that will be an event! Well love all around!
Thought for the day:
I believe life is much more precious then money will ever be.....
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