Well it is about time I know here are the pics from Marks Birthday Party! Thanks Timmy for downloading these for me this morning! I told him honey we have to have the camera cleaned out for the celebration on Friday!!!!!!!!!! So the camera is ready let's see what good things we can catch on camera Friday night!!!! Enjoy the pics there are so many I just selected some of the good ones! Love all around!
Big Phipps & Baby Phipps

Billy "O" & Zug Zug

Zug Zug & Pound Cake

Billy "O", Baby Phipps, & Tweatter
"Lick it up!"

Big Phipps and the Birdie behind the Birdie!
The three stooges!
Love isn't it grand!

TW & Zug Zug
Two drunk friends!
Timmy sandwich!
Good Times!
Zug Zug & her pound cake!
The Cohee's!
The Love Bugs!
Thought for the day:

Billy "O" & Zug Zug

Zug Zug & Pound Cake

Billy "O", Baby Phipps, & Tweatter

Big Phipps and the Birdie behind the Birdie!

TW & Zug Zug

Thought for the day:
I believe you should leave loved ones with loving words because it might be the last time you see them......
Love the pics! I'm so glad the camera is ready to go for Friday! I'm expecting lots of great pics next week!
Have fun.....I was gonna say be good but that would be silly!
Love ya!
That would be silly! LOL I am glad you like the pics! I start out taking a few pics and then the drunk photographer Billy "O" takes over and then we really get some good pics! Sometimes we aren't sure what they are but then some are like right on! Love ya Back!!!!
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