Well Billy "O"s birthday party was a blast! I don't think I will ever want to drive in a limo drunk again! I didn't do so well with the ride home at the end of the night in the Limo. Sean & Theresa paid the Limo driver extra to take us home and so about 2 am while riding in back of a limo with the tinted windows I felt disoriented and dizzy and I thought for sure I was going to be sick!!!! Anyone that knows me knows I am not a puker the last time I puked from drinking I was like 20 years old. So Tim & Theresa had to reassure me all the way home I was going to live at this point I didn't really think I could make it! Ha-ha I was DRUNK! We all had a blast singing karoake and then we all had a good time at the strip bar even though those strippers are nothing to brag about! Ha-ha. Some of them you needed a microscope to find their boobies! But Hell we just go there for a good laugh and just to have a good time. Which we always all do have a good time when we are together. Thanks for the awesome memories at you Birthday Party Billy "O"! Love all around!

Renee', Billy "O" & Dorie
Theresa & Dorie
Me & my Baby

I told Mark to make sure he had his eyes open I guess he listened!!!!
Boobs & Billy "O"
Yes we are totally drunk!!!!
Theresa & Timothy Wayne
Kelly & The Birthday Girl
Theresa & Sean
The Italion Stallion & TW

Dorie, Staci, & Rachel
Dorie & Staci
Me & Theresa
Renee', DD, & Kelly
The Girls
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone for getting together to celebrate me. You all are awesome and I am sorry for not being at 100%, the flu really kicked my ass last week. You all are awesome friends and tons of fun and I can't wait to do it again with no FLU BUGS holding me back. THANKS AGAIN!! U ALL ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know what you are talking about, because I was in bed SICK all day yesterday too. I AM SICK OF IT TOO!!
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