Hey all! Dorie is having a Christmas party at her house Saturday at 8 pm and everyone is invited! I won't promise I will be there and if I am probably not for to long because tomorrow night is my Christmas Party and if it is anything like last year I will be partying until the wee hours of Saturday Morning. I hope you all go Dorie is really looking forward to seeing you all! Saturday no sleep for me! Randi has a basketball game and the dog needs groomed and my house needs cleaned! YIKES! Because next Saturday I am leaving for CALIFORNIA! Yippeeeee!!! Last year at the Christmas party I got drunk (big surprise I am sure!) and then we went to Scott's house and then to the titty bar and then to breakfast I think we all got home about 4 am! So I bet Saturday I will be feeling like SHIT! I love to party like a Rock Star but shit I am not good at doing it two nights in a row! One night is enough for me, I need a day of rest in between my fun! Too old for a two nighter! I did that in Sundance/Sturgis and it about killed me. Talk about feeling old! Well love all around and I think my thought for the day is pretty much covered with the pic up above and also remember don't eat yellow snow!!!!! ha-ha

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