Holy Shit! I forgot to post a song for yesterday can you belive that? Me neither my head was in the clouds I guess! It won't happen again, you all are probably tired of my song choices anyway! Just keep listening to the new Kid Rock song cause it is SO HOT! I will be requesting that one for Saturday night! Where are we going on Saturday night? Waiting on Bobbie if Steve decides to go probably Butch's if he isn't going the Sandbar! We heard that the Sandbar is playing some good music the kind we LOVE. Butch's has been playing SHIT of late! Butch's has been playing that slow grind music and well you know me in anything I do I like it fast and furious! Hmmmm the way most people dance is probably the way they like to fuck too don't you think? Any comments on that one girls? We need new pictures anyway especially with Boobs in them, we have NEVER gone dancing with Boobs present! I told Boobs to lay off the alcohol until that night we don't want her crashing the party early, remember the Passion Party? ha-ha too funny you got to love Bobbie Jo! Well I am looking forward to the PARTY hope everyone is down! Love all around!!!!

Thought for the day:
In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling!
the party is on Mish! Can't wait! We saw Launa last night and she said that she was going too!!! YEAH! Hey, wondering if the picture of the hot girl on your blog lately is the that Alison Tyler chick! She's pretty hot, and reminds me of you with her black hair!!! Dont' really care where we go saturday as long as there is NO DRAMA!!!!
Love ya!
p.s. I love the song choice today and EVERYDAY! Please don't stop! Oh and the dancing like you fuck....I know a certain someone who dances like they ARE fucking when they've had a lil' too much to drink! HaHa!
Oh my goodness sounds like the game i s on for the weekend! Make sure you take lots of pics cuz I want to at least pretend I'm there with you!! I love your song choices Mish, always have you pick such a variety!
I don't know if you dance like you fuck...interesting concept. I'll have to pay more attention to the dancing anyway!!
Love ya,
I like it fast and I dance fast too! We will take lots of pics! I thought we saw your vehicle at the Moony when we drove by but I thought nah they would of called us!!!! The hot girl on my blog is a pin up girl this artist draws, I find her totally fascinating and would like to imulate her look. I like the pin up girl's with more of a swing cut like mine though. I love black hair, dark eyes and leather!!!! go figure.
we went for dinner...we were only there for like an hour in half! Sorry we didn't call, you make me feel bad! =( DD just needed a lil' break from studying, and I was starving and craving enchiladas! see you tomarrow!
Hey Kelli! I wil make sure you feel like you are there with us K!
Love ya!
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