I am glad to see I was missed I missed all of you very much! I will walk you through my beautiful vacation day by day. You are all probably saying spare me! Will not all of it but just enough so you might feel you were there with me! ha-ha And it is like my diary so I can relive it later! It sucked we didn't have internet because I wanted to do this on a real day to day blog so I didn't mix up days and I would type it while it was fresh in my memory and I wouldn't leave out something cool. Oh well here it goes.......... I hope I don't bore ya!
Departure day:
We got to the airport only to sit and sit before departure, be at then airport 2 hours before the flight out of Casper ha-ha what a joke, like Casper Airport is busy! But in CASPER I can at least sit in the bar and have 2 Bloody Mary's and smoke my little ass off! Try that in the next two airports! We depart only a few minutes late and I didn't care I was going to California and shit I had a couple drinks! Wow loading on the plane I froze my face off!!!! We had a great flight and we arrove in Salt Lake City and of course the Children of the corn are hungry! We feed them as we run to our next gate and it is delayed an hour! Oh well at this point I am happy I am going to California! So we eat and hell we find a smoking area easy enough this time however! Well we be lucky again? Our plane finally arrives and we arrive at LAX and yippppeee all our luggage arrived! Perfect so far! Laurie and I made the guys wait for the luggage so we can go out side to smoke, wow you think we drive like assholes here? It was lunacy in Los Angeles!!!! I have road rage here? Wow there I couldn't imagine! Our Shuttle arrives like it is suppose to and we get to our hotel in one piece, which was amazing considering how they drive! Wow and I was in the middle of the seat and I could see the swerves and near misses we were taking! Holy Shit you definitely wear your seat belt there!!!!! By the time we made it to our hotel which was about an hour drive from LAS we were hungry and a bit tired from our travel so we ate and had a few drinks and decided to call it a night so we could start early in the morning. So far so good!!!!! On to day two.........
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