Don't you just love Sunday's..... I do most of the time I don't put a stitch of make up and just do laundry and kick back. Tim and I went out Friday for a bit. It was just him and I but damn did we have fun! Sometimes it is nice just to have a date night. We got home after midnight and then made a taco bell run lol. Man was Timothy Wayne hammered! Next Friday is my Christmas Party for work. I look forward to this every year! I always have an amazing time and we always end up somewhere different each year when we leave our original place. Last year was the first year we went to the Moony. We had a ball for sure. Is everyone ready for Christmas??????? Love all around! smooches!
This Blog is solely created for fun and enjoyment. I don't claim to be a good writer or editor for that fact, but hell I love my life and like to write about it! Within this blog you will read about my life and about the joy my beautiful friends & family bring me when they are on a journey with me, so buckle up and let's ride that ride! Life is GOOD. So like I say Live, Laugh and Love!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Hump day.....
Hello Peeps. Let's see where did I leave off. Last week Tim and I met JP for drinks at the Moony we haven't seen him for ever! Kim was at Taylor's with her new love, Todd so after a few drinks we decided to meet them over there for a few more. We had a great time watching Todd & Kim roll dice with a couple of their friends. They guy they were with they introduced me to was hilarious! His name was Mo. Mo and I have the same sense of humour so he made me laugh alot. What was most funny about the night his girlfriend, Amy signed him up to sing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. That Mo went up there and sang it in a high pitched voice. Damn it was so funny! So we need to invite him and his girl out next time we all get together he is a RIOT! Friday night I was dead to the world I think I feel asleep on the couch about 8 pm. Saturday Timmy and I went to lunch at On the Border man that is the place to go on the weekend. $ .99 sent Margaritas hell that is a meal in itself! LOL Sunday we wrapped all the Christmas presents. The tree looks great! Love Christmas.... Monday I went to class and then last night we went out to the Moon for a bit. It was Stephanie's birthday so we sat with her and I ended up doing shots with her of Tuaca' an Italian liqueur. That stuff was yummy and also gave me a beautiful headache today! I know my fault! Well love all around! Miss you all! smooches....
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I'm backkkkkkk!
Hi Peeps. Okay catch some of you up to speed. Kelly's grandma passed away, please pray for her family, Sean had surgery again yesterday, say one for him too, Theresa gets a shot in her back on Thursday, OUCHHHHH! So please keep all of them in your thoughts.... I have been really busy at work and I took some time off for Thanksgiving so forgive me not blogging. Wednesday before Thanksgiving I went to the Moonlight for Karaoke with Theresa, Sean, Susie and Gerald and we all had a kick in the pants. I sure wish that was on a weekend! Monday night went out and snuck some drinks instead of running. I know bad girl! hmmmm but hell we all know that right.? We met up with Kim and the man I hand picked for her Todd! Yayyyyy Kimmy found a nice guy and got rid of the spider monkey, liar, druggie, cheating son of a bitch! We ended up having so much damn fun I got home close to one in the morning! So DAMN was yesterday a bit rough! Damnnnn I am sure more has happened since I blogged and I know I really need to get back in the habit! My life has hit an unexpected rut and I need to get out of it. Christmas vacation should do me nice! Love you all and miss the ones of you I haven't seen in a while!
Thought for the day:
I might not talk to you everyday but you are always in my heart!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Happy Birthday.....

Say Happy Birthday to Theresa everyone! She is Denver seeing a back doctor and Sean's doctor again. So we won't get to see her on her special day. :( Theresa I hope your birthday is awesome hun.... Sucks this weekend we have CO-ED. I dread working these dances. ughhhhh. So knowing that was coming up I went for drinks on Tuesday. Asked Tim if he wanted to go to dinner my real agenda was to get drunk! So get drunk is what I did! Was home by 9:30 but I sure know my nose was numb and was working down to the ole teeth. So that has been my excitement for the week lol! Anyone else have something good to report???? Love all around.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday Monday
Hi Peeps. Had fun at Kip Attaway with you all! He is really funny! Sorry about the party afterwards. Someone still isn't feeling like himself and there is no simpler way to put it but he was a big ole fun sucker! So I took his pissy ass home. I tried not to be pissy about it but I was! I hate moodiness even if it from my better half. 7 Beers went down fast and he had been sick for a while and hadn't been drinking so I think he got tired fast. So oh well, hopefully next time we can have fun. So tell me peeps how was the pole competition? Did anyone get wild from our group? Hope next time we don't have any fun suckers in our group! Love all around! Smooches!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Almost the weekend yayyyyy! Theresa my darlin thank you so much my daughter had so much fun with you! She also loved that you made her laugh so hard on the shuttle bus after the game. "Breaker, Breaker Hot mamma on the shuttle bus headed for the hotel!" LOL I think that is how is goes? She had a blast and adores all the family very much! Too bad the Bronco's lost! Well I guess good for Seany though his team the Steelers won! Now Saturday is Party time remember we all need to be there around 5ish to insure our ticket and place to sit. I am excited to see all of you and we shall have one hell of a good time! I feel a crazy coming on! Well love all around!
Happy Birthday to Paula!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hi peeps. Just went for drinks and dinner at the Moon! DD & Kel walked in and we are stoked for Saturday night. Everyone bring their fuckin party attitude cause I am bringin mine with camera in hand. We are going to PARTY! So all that are coming 5 o'clock go sneakin to the Beacon we will watch Kip and then let the night take us where it may.... Timmy is feeling better yayyyyyyy! Rock on! I should let DD and Kel write a bit of blog so they can tell you the take on Halloween night since I had to go home. Their stories make me smile! So girls how about it who is gonna tell the stories????? I want em in black and white! I will post pics tomorrow when I find time at work from Halloween the pictures are good wished I could of stayed for the whole shabang but hell my love is sick I go home with him. So Saturday night we need to party like we know we can right girls? I am ready crazy has been subdued for much too long so I am bringing her out! Love all around! Everyone let me know who is in! Hey we get Timmy drunk enough we might be seeing the titty club! LOL when is the last time we tore that place up? I think it is due time.... :) smooches!
Thought for the day:
If the blog doesn't make since deal with it lol I had a lil to drink!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Almost Monday :(
This week has been calm, even though Tim is still coughing I think he is towards the end of the sickness. He says he is feeling much better and more like himself. Yayyyyy! Thursday night all of us meet Kelly for her birthday surprise dinner at Applebee's. I think she enjoyed it and was very surprised. When she came around the corner and saw me she was so excited to see Paula's car outside, and then was more thrilled when she realized Paula was sitting right across from me at the table. Those perfect Margarita's sure are perfect and feel pretty perfect after three of them too! I was glad to be part of such a sweet hearts birthday. Friday night Tim & I just stayed home and were lil couch potato's. Saturday we went to see Hangover now that was fuckin funny! If you haven't seen it, it is a must! Made me laugh the entire time. Saturday we picked up a couple new x box games and played x box until late! Yes sometimes I am a gamer! Love that shit. And now today Sunday we have been playing since the minute I got up! LOL So here I am taking a break from that to blog. I am hoping to get my pictures downloaded from Halloween to share by tomorrow. I haven't had pictures on here for a while and if I would learn how to do it maybe the wait wouldn't be so long! My daughter Randi is in Denver with Theresa and her family so they can see the Bronco vs Steelers game, she is absolutely thrilled. I hope everyone else had an awesome weekend too. Love all around! Smooches!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
HUMP DAY......
Hump day has arrived. Tim is still sick. Poor thing even stayed home half a day today. If he isn't better feeling by Friday I think we will take him into the doctor. I remember how I felt when I had it I thought I was actually dying. I still haven't started smoking again even though I smoke when I have had drinks, which amounts to maybe once a week. So from half a pack a day to smoking some once a week I think that is progress. I just got back from class and I often wonder how in the hell I work out the way I do and I still am not skinny. I wish I was one of those bitch's that got to eat what the hell she wanted and weighed nothing. I was I guess when I was younger but I got the skinniness just didn't get to eat what I want I actually chose the route of not eating at all. They say there is no such thing as a slow metabolism and I call bullshit on that. Too bad they don't legalize speed lol. I took phentermine about 8 years ago and damn did I stay thin. It pumped my metabolism up and I stayed thin, it was my miracle drug. Too bad it was probably bad for the ole heart. Loved wearing a size 3/5 without any effort. Well peeps, I think it is time I go to bed I am pooped! One bad thing about blogging at home, I don't have my thought for the day readily available. So Love all around and smooches!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Song in my head.......
Cuz I Can
We're gonna rock and roll
Ra Ra
Alright I drink more than you
I party harder than you do
And my car's faster than yours too
I'm back again
I know ya'll missed me
I'm so so sick
Can't handle it
Yeah I talk shit
Just deal with it
My rims are 23 inch
And they're black on black
No they're not his
Diamonds all over my tees
You can try and try you can't beat me
So I'll cash my checks and place my bets
And hope I'll always win
Even if I don't I'm fucked because
I live a life of sin
But it's alright
I don't give a damn
I don't play your rules I make my own
I'll do what I want
Cuz I can
You know I'm rare
You stop and stare
You think I care
I don't
You talk real loud
But you aint saying nothing cool
I could fit your whole house in my swimming pool
My life's a fantasy
That you're not smart enough to even dream
My ice is making me freeze
You can try and try you can't beat me
So I'll cash my checks and place my bets
And hope I'll always win
Even if I don't I'm fucked because
I live a life of sin
But it's alright
I don't give a damn
I don't play your rules I make my ownTonight
I'll do what I want
Cuz I canYeah
UhBreak it down
It's tough times out here ya know what I'm sayin mmhmm
Yeah I'm super thick
People say I'm much too chic
Come and kiss the ring
You just might learn a couple things
I'm trying to school you dog
Roof roof roof roof roof roof roof
I'm your worst nightmare
Bring it we can take it
What are you scared
So I'll cash my checks and place my bets
And hope I'll always win
Even if I don't I'm fucked because
I live a life of sin
But it's alright
I don't give a damn
I don't play your rules I make my own
I'll do what I want
Cuz I can
So I'll cash my checks and place my bets
And hope I'll always win
Even if I don't I'm fucked because
I live a life of sin
But it's alright
I don't give a damn
I don't play your rules I make my own
I'll do what I want
Cuz I can
We're gonna rock and roll
Ra Ra
Alright I drink more than you
I party harder than you do
And my car's faster than yours too
I'm back again
I know ya'll missed me
I'm so so sick
Can't handle it
Yeah I talk shit
Just deal with it
My rims are 23 inch
And they're black on black
No they're not his
Diamonds all over my tees
You can try and try you can't beat me
So I'll cash my checks and place my bets
And hope I'll always win
Even if I don't I'm fucked because
I live a life of sin
But it's alright
I don't give a damn
I don't play your rules I make my own
I'll do what I want
Cuz I can
You know I'm rare
You stop and stare
You think I care
I don't
You talk real loud
But you aint saying nothing cool
I could fit your whole house in my swimming pool
My life's a fantasy
That you're not smart enough to even dream
My ice is making me freeze
You can try and try you can't beat me
So I'll cash my checks and place my bets
And hope I'll always win
Even if I don't I'm fucked because
I live a life of sin
But it's alright
I don't give a damn
I don't play your rules I make my ownTonight
I'll do what I want
Cuz I canYeah
UhBreak it down
It's tough times out here ya know what I'm sayin mmhmm
Yeah I'm super thick
People say I'm much too chic
Come and kiss the ring
You just might learn a couple things
I'm trying to school you dog
Roof roof roof roof roof roof roof
I'm your worst nightmare
Bring it we can take it
What are you scared
So I'll cash my checks and place my bets
And hope I'll always win
Even if I don't I'm fucked because
I live a life of sin
But it's alright
I don't give a damn
I don't play your rules I make my own
I'll do what I want
Cuz I can
So I'll cash my checks and place my bets
And hope I'll always win
Even if I don't I'm fucked because
I live a life of sin
But it's alright
I don't give a damn
I don't play your rules I make my own
I'll do what I want
Cuz I can
Happy Birthday to my lil Blue Genie!!!!

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Dear Kellllllllyyyyyy, Happy Birthday to you! From the moment I met you Kelly, I knew you would become one of the most special friends. Life is better with you in it my friend. I love you and I hope your day is as wonderful as you! Smooches!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday's suck!
Hello peeps! Well I feel better and now Timmy is really, really sick! So Friday night we rested and Tim had stayed home all Friday trying to kick this chest cold. So Saturday I had been looking forward to kind of sucked. Tim was sweet enough to come out with me until 10. Everyone's costumes where damn good and the party was as cool as I expected it to be! I soooo wanted to stay and enjoy it I felt so bad for Tim though. I did enjoy the time I did get to spend though. I will download all the pics so you can enjoy them. Everyone looked so awesome! Sunday we just stayed home and I did the cleaning, laundry and cooking I was a Betty home maker. LOL Today was busier then hell at work a usual Monday and then month end to top it all off. So here I am blogging after my exercise class! I am becoming a night blogger. I somehow don't think my mind is as sharp at night or as inventive. Tomorrow is Kelly's birthday yayyyyyy! Then we have Birdie's on the 19th. Two November babies, oh shit 3, Paula's is somewhere in there too. Paula pooh remind me when it is???? The 6th? Hmmmmm need to be calling her! Hope we can all get together again real soon I don't feel like I got the whole party experience. I wanted to dance so bad and close the place down it has been so long! :( Well love all around! Smooches gf's!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Humpity hump day....
Hi Peeps. fuck I am retyping a blog I accidentally just erased! Ughhhhhh! Well I have been so busy at work I am typing my blog at night and at home. Monday and tonight I got back into my routine of water class. I am so glad I feel good again! Last night I went and got my nails done and then Timmy asked me to meet him for dinner at the Moon. I had a few drinks and dinner and called it an early night. I did break down and have a few cigs. That was so fucking hard to sit there and drink and not have a cig I finally broke down and told Tim to go get me some cigs. I am still not smoking other then that time. I gave Tim the pack back and I figure if I have a few when I party and that is it I am still doing much better for my health then the route I was going. I am so excited for the weekend. I need a good party and I miss all of you. I haven't got my costume shopping done yet and in fact I got turned down for a request for time off on Friday. I guess if I don't fit in costume shopping I can be the old stand by of Biker Bitch! LOL. Well love all around! smooches!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I think I will Live......
Hi Peeps. I think I made it. Damn I was sick. I had the worst chest cold. I couldn't breathe well and then at night I could not sleep due to coughing so much. One night I finally got so fed up I just sat on my couch in frustration and then I woke up three hours later cold but feeling better since I actually finally got to sleep some. So NO Thirsty Thursday, and definitely didn't go out this weekend.I feel good today finally and I am hoping I actually did kick the habit of cigarettes. I am regaining my sense of smell and I have a much more accurate sense of taste. I am really going to try to stay done with smoking. In this week of not smoking I can tell how much better I feel. I have so much more energy and even though I still have the last remains of a chest cold I can breath much easier. I know the bar scene will be hard for me but I really think I can do this. I need too. Yes I am worried about gaining weight but I will do my best to work out more and worry more about my health. I watched Tim's grandpa waste away with emphysema and not be able to breathe and someone die of cancer. I decided I don't want to die and feel the lack of breath. So I am back and I will make every effort to get back on my blogging habits! :) I feel good! It seems like it has been forever since I have! LOL! I am so ready for Halloween! WOOOO HOOOO! looking forward to all partying together! So peeps let's get this set up. We need to have our table early at the Moony it is going to be busy that night! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Let's party like Rock Star's!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sorry peeps about no blogging I have been ill since Monday. I felt it coming on but was hoping I would get lucky nope I got it.... Sucks too! Friday night Tim and I decided we had no kids and since it was him and I only for pizza night we would eat our pizza and go have a couple drinks. Well we all know how the couple drinks thing goes, well Tim, Kim and I do anyhow! So we got home about Midnight but we had a good time. Saturday was Dorie Ione's birthday party! We all met at her house for a purse party, drinks, and dinner. We had a good time doing that and especially watching her open her gifts. Staci and Rachel are priceless. Dorie didn't have to buy one because the girls made her a dick head bag. You can imagine who's face was pasted on all the hilarious pictures? Hint???? A sort kinda on again off again ex. Use your imagination girls. Then we went to the Moon for a shot. Staci and Rachel then passed out business cards to the men. I need to scan these fuckers because they are so funny. I will find time and post them here. Doris Meanwiener business cards. Believe me they say more colorful things then that. Staci and Rachel even made Dorie's profile for her on her profile, please everyone go view this thing lol this year was her 20th so that would make her the class of 1989 at Natrona County. Too funny. Want a good laugh please check it out. After the Moon we went to the Beacon, will Tim and I did to save a table. All the crazy girls went to the Fireside first to have a drink. The Beacon was packed. We got a couple dances in, watched Dorie do a blow job, get molested by a stipper who is a boyfriend of my friend, and was out the door by 1 am! I think Dorie had an awesome birthday! So cheers to Doris Meanwiener! LOL. The rest of my week like I said has been down time for me I have been sick. So I am hoping tomorrow I feel better. Tim and I are taking it easy this weekend and saving up for going out Halloween! yippppppeeeeee! Party. Oh OH and Kim is divorced everyone congratulate here on finally getting rid of the dirty fuckin hippy! Yayyyyyyy! There is a reason to party! Love all around! Smooches my peeps!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Well all my peeps how is everyone. I am rested! No thirsty Thursday :(. This weekend is Dorie's birthday party. Hope we all have fun! Who is all going???? I know Birdie will be out of town. I am looking forward to a good fun time! Looking forward to Halloween too! I think the Moonlight should be quite the party! Yayyyyy! Man I don't know how you girls keep up with facebook! I find it totally exhausting and becoming a chore lol! If I miss one day I am like HOLY HELL look at all these requests! Sheesh! I am thinking I would rather have real drinks, real hugs, real smiles, and play in a real casino some days! I know I know what a facebook party pooper I am! Well Peeps, Happy Friday!!!!!! Love you and hope to see most of you this weekend!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
This is dedicated to two lil freaks I know! LOL
Silver Chair
No more maybes
Your babys got rabies
Sittin on a ball
In th middle of the andes
Yeah Im a freak (of nature)
Yeah Im a freak
If only I could be as cool as you
As cool as you
Body and soul Im a freak Im a freak
Body and soul Im a freak
Try to be different
Well get a differnt disease
Seems its a fashion
To need the cold sore cream
I dont really know
How to put ona cool show
As boring as they come
Just tell me where to goIf only I could be as cool as you
Silver Chair
No more maybes
Your babys got rabies
Sittin on a ball
In th middle of the andes
Yeah Im a freak (of nature)
Yeah Im a freak
If only I could be as cool as you
As cool as you
Body and soul Im a freak Im a freak
Body and soul Im a freak
Try to be different
Well get a differnt disease
Seems its a fashion
To need the cold sore cream
I dont really know
How to put ona cool show
As boring as they come
Just tell me where to goIf only I could be as cool as you
Already Hump Day????
Hi peeps! Shit I have been so busy! :( Had a pretty relaxing weekend. Boy Winter is already here. The only time we stepped foot out of the house this weekend was to go down to the Moon and watch the game! That was a good game! Woooooo Hoooooo Broncos! It was really nice having most of our gang together! We had lots of laughs and a great time! This weekend is Dorie Ione's Birthday so I am sure we will be finding some fun this weekend! Alright Peeps the Moon is having a huge Halloween party I say we all dress up and let's go! We haven't all been out and been crazy for such a long time and I know it is due time! We all have to get on Timmy and make him dress up! So let's do it!!!!!!!! Let's make a plan! :) Love all around! Smoooooches!
Thought for the day:
I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away. And the real pains in the ass are permanent.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thirsty Thursday....
Well Tim said no thirsty Thursday :(. He said he wants to trade that in for Sunday because the Bronco's have another home game. So who all wants to meet at the Moonlight for the game????? We have some Birthday's coming up. Launa honey please remind me the date again. Since I got a new phone I haven't put reminders on my calendar. Shit I don't even know how to work the calendar. Next weekend we are going out for Dorie's birthday hope to hear details from Staci soon. Zug Zug wants to do something fun this weekend, hmmmm what shall we do???? Well I woke up feeling blue and then when I realized the date I know why. Funny how my being knows the date before I do. My best friend died on this date. Wow it has been 27 years and I still feel the sadness. I know she is happier but it is what it is the hole inside your heart still remains. I hope everyone is doing well. Let me know what is up peeps! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Work as if it was your first day. Forgive as soon as possible. Love without boundaries. Laugh without control and never stop smiling.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Shit where in the hell am I?
Shit I know no blogs for a while. Holy Hell has work been overtaking my blogging time. I need to make time every night when I get home to do a blog. Last week was pretty uneventful, went to dinner with some of the leaders of WL on Thursday night. I have had a lot of changes at work that has been keeping me busy. Friday night we had a family night just chilled ate pizza and watched movies. My girls are getting older and it is hard to have these times they are always on the run! Saturday we had lunch at Chatters with DD & Kelly. You can't beat the lunch out there it is so damn good! Sunday we went and watched the football game at the Moonlight with Kimmy, DD, Kelly, and their friend Carmon. We had an absolute ball! Did I get intoxicated oh hell yes! Wow shot time! We drank a load and had tons of tickets and as far as I can tell the girl that won I have never seen in there before and I don't think she was there the whole game and I know she didn't drink as much as us! What the Hell? Well anyway yahhhhhh Bronco's! Well gang the next event coming up real soon is Dorie's birthday. Staci should be telling me all the plans soon. I hope that we can get the whole gang together and have fun. I miss having us all together! I have been thinking we should do something Halloween. Now keep in mind I haven't talked Timothy Wayne into yet. What do you all think? Well love all around! smooches and hugs!!!!!!
Thought for the day:
All work and no play makes Michelle a dull girl!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sorry all I have been so busy...... Had a good weekend Tim and I got all the riding we could possibly squeeze in because the weather is going down hill. Thursday we went on our last poker run for a while. We did a charity run it was a really good time. Brookie finally after the third time passed her driving test so wooooo hooooo I have both my girls driving now. Helps a lot with my busy schedule. Work has been crazy. I am off this afternoon to be in a commercial. Too be honest I am not overly thrilled but am very flattered that I was asked. I will be in a commercial for a beauty salon that Susie works for. Susie got a new job at a beautiful salon because of my hair. Can't beat that! I wished I had more time to blog today but I will try to make it up tomorrow. Love all around!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hail Angel....
First off today my Brookie turned 16! She is very upset she didn't pass her driving test. So she has to retake it tomorrow. So that started her day off bad. So hopefully she gets over that and has a better day. Well Thursday we had a great ride and ended up at TJ's for dinner. The service was slow but the food was good. But I will never trust them with a tab again. We got charged for double the amount of drinks we actually ordered. We paid the ticket and I will never be back again! Friday night we went on a poker run. I ended up winning high dice and Tim the low dice. So that was fun. Saturday the weather was totally awesome! Tim and I rode most of the day and went by and saw Sean. Sean is doing awesome he always has such a positive out look on life! Sunday we went to watch the game at the Moony. During the game you get a ticket for each drink you buy to win a trip to Las Vegas so yes..... I got drunk. And No...... didn't win the trip. So when we got all the hell Kim and I ran out and made Hail angels. LOL shit I was soaked! The next day I picked my jeans off the floor and they were still soaking wet. But hell we had fun! Well work is killing me so I better get back to it! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thunder Thursday!
Good Morning Peeps. Will Sean is still in the hospital he had a lot more bleeding then they thought so please keep him in your prayers. He will be coming home on Friday. Tonight we finally get to ride again! The last two weeks we haven't gone because they haven't had them so I am really looking forward to tonight! Next Thursday is a poker run on our ride and then we are meeting out at Gigs hopefully some of you would like to meet us out there for music food and fun! Last night I was watching the Jay Leno show and I saw something really funny it reminded me of something DD & Kelly would do. It is called ghosting. These two guys would take turns ghosting someone and the other would time him until he got caught. What is ghosting? LOL it is when you walk behind someone as close as possible using their same stride and mannerisms. It was fuckin hilarious. I could so see us getting drunk and doing that shit! I will see if later if maybe they have a clip of these to guys to put on my blog. Well peeps not much to write about today so I guess back to work with my ass! Love all around!
Thought for the day.
I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels, but I call them my friends
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Good Morning. Well I had a great weekend! Let's see.... Friday night I got a text from my lil Blue Genie "want to have a drink?". Well hell ya you don't have to ask me twice! So we went to the Moony. As I was waiting for the girls to arrive, Bradley asked me over and asked me who did my hair. I told him Susie. He was like well call her now she is hired at my salon. I was like really just off my hair? Wow amazing. So my lil miss Susie Q got a job at a premier salon based off the fabulous job she does on my hair! Woooo hooooo can't beat that shit. He said he wanted edgy in his salon and well as you all know I don't quite wear my hair like a normal woman! So that was a good start to the night. Then the girls arrived and we all had some drinks threw some darts and even had a road trip. Road Trip? Well..... my friend an ex stripper was having drinks with us when her son called and she had locked him out of the house. So we decided to go with her to check out her stripper pole in her living room. Now this girl knows pole tricks and hell I am game I want to learn. Boy that shit looks a hell of a lot easier then it is! Damn it takes some strength to do that shit! So after playing with that for a very short time, we went home my Timothy Wayne was hammered! Saturday I went to have my hair done and Tim & Kim went to the Moon to watch the WY game. I came down after I was done. So we ended up having a good afternoon down there. It was nice visiting with Launa her last time I would see her behind the bar at my favorite bar. I am very sad that Launa is leaving even though I understand her reasoning's. The Moonlight will never be the same when I walk in on a Thursday night. Launa you will be so truly missed! Sunday I got my nails done and took it easy. Shit the last few weekends we have been partying and being wild and I was just plain worn out! Even party girls need some down time! LOL So that was my weekend in a whole. So Seany is having surgery on Wednesday so please everyone keep him in your thoughts and close to your heart. I hope all of you are doing well and had a good weekend. We need to get a weekend together and have a plan so we can have all of us together at once. I miss those times..... Like Hey Paula, where in the hell have you been???? Sheesh girl stop traveling and come out with us! We miss you! Love all around! smooches!
Thought for the day....
I've learned that it is not what you wear; it is how you take it off!
Friday, September 11, 2009
The ORBS did it.....
I was texting Birdie last night and she said "Hey I asked DD if you guys partied at the bar with the orbs?". I don't recall if I told the story about the orbs or not so hell here it is.... Last time we were at Saloon 10 was my Birthday. Birdie and I were looking for a table for all of us to sit when we were standing by a table with one man who happened to ask Birdie to dance. When they came back he let us join his table. At first the guy was really nice hmmm we will get back on that. So anyway Birdie is getting ready to take a pic and DD and I are smoking the smoke was billowing up between us right in front of Theresa's lens. She snaps the shot of our new found friend, Tim and Sean and then looks at it. She turns a shade of pale and says "I am not taking anymore pictures!". I said "why?". She tells me to look there are orbs all over in the photo and then tells me see there are ghosts in here! We tried to tell her that was smoke from our cigarette's but I am not sure still if she buys that. So I told her that she is probably right about the orbs because they were butt dialing on Tim's phone! So now we have a explanation to how Tim's phone got unlocked and then dialed DD, it was the orbs! Back to our new found friend now. At first he was nice telling us he was married met his 3rd wife I think in that very bar and seemed he was a gentleman that is until he found it was my birthday and proceeded to stick his tongue in my fuckin ear and lick all over my outside of my ear. I think it took two napkins to clean up that ewwwwy mess! So after that I went into bitch mode and just ignored the fucker. Anyone that knows me knows I don't like to be fucking touched or for someone to be in my personal bubble unless you know me and know me well. After that incident he kept asking Kelly to dance she would deny him every time and when he got close to her she would turn her head most people would get the back off look. Then a drink got spilled on DD so she went back to her room to change her jeans since the spill was in a very, very bad spot. When DD left let's just say Mister Pervie had ideas for Kelly that got shot down very quickly! Theresa let the perv have it and told him she lost respect for him and he should not act that way when he is married the asshole had the nerve to tell her his wife wasn't there. CREEPY MOOOBEEEPY! As we were standing outside the bar that the end of the night waiting for DD to get rounded up out of the bar, mister creepy came out and licked the entire back of my neck to say goodbye. Man some men just have gigantic balls! So ewwww anyway, there is the orbs and more story! Love all around! Have a great weekend and be safe!
Thought for the day.....
I've learned that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
DD playing the instrument and the lady from the band! Good Times!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Almost the end of the week.....

Well started back at my work out class last night, fuck that did me in! Had a week off and we got a new teacher and she tried to kill me! So I was out by 8:30! Loved the pics DD posted on her facebook. I need to learn how to post photo's on there I am still facebook retarded! Don't know if we are riding tonight or not but if not I am going to take it easy and relax at home. I have been really tired of late, probably from all the damn fun I had! Well all love all around!
Thought for the day:
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Still on Rewind......

LOL yes Kelly I didn't fit in all our stories I needed some other things to blog about. Everyone that read the comments is like what???? Butt dialing and saw dust angels??? WTF? We started at our first table that we previously partied at on my birthday thinking hell we had fun at this table before. When we first arrived Tim said "hey someone is getting a call.". It was DD's phone and she looks at it and points at Tim and says it is you! Tim looks at her dumbfounded as DD answers her phone and says "Hi, Tim!". Tim in turn pulls his phone out of his pocket and says "How in the hell did it do that????". He actually butt dialed! His phone is a touch screen but he still couldn't figure out how in the hell his ass unlocked the phone and then actually went to contacts and called DD. WTF? Of course you all know the Verizon commercial where the guy is butt dialing his girlfriend and then he announces "My butt just hung up on you!". So we all were laughing and then began to laugh even harder when we realized that none of us had any service! So when I went to send a text and I had no service to send a message I thought well Tim's ass has service so I held my phone by Tim's butt and sure shit it sent the message. Magical ass my man has! We watched the Wild Bill Hickok's death reenactment, and then we took a vote cause Kelly and I really wanted to move up closer to the stage so of course we raised our hands and we figured our two votes was enough to move. DD had set in her mind she wanted the high top table so we gave her, her way for a little bit any way because after Tim butt dialed her yet again Kelly and decided to vote again cause us two shorties wanted to sit at a regular table. So the vote happened and we moved putting us right in front of the stage and the dance floor! Tim's ass never dialed DD's phone again that night but each time I wanted to send a message I had to hold my phone by his ass to dial out! (DD needs to send me the pic of me using Tim's ass to dial out lol) Funny how his ass was the only place to get good service. When we first arrived I noticed the new sawdust poured on the floor and I was trying to talk Kelly into doing a sawdust angel. She just wouldn't budge and I just knew my instigating skills wouldn't work on DD she hadn't had enough to drink at that time. So I let it go until we got to our third table and Kelly helped instigate the subject again and low and behold Tim got up and made that damn saw dust angel! He did it so quickly we didn't get pictures of him doing it but we have a picture of his angel. Of course then as we proudly starred at his creation with pride Kelly got down and fixed it to make it more predominate and added a halo. The angel lasted on the floor over an hour until a dick head security guy pulled a table across it and ruined our art. I hope to have some more pics to share I need to download off my camera and have DD do the same and email me. Wish all of you could of joined us for a great time! Love all around!
Big Fuckin Slot Machine!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Back it up rewind......
First off Happy Birthday to my daughter, Randi she turned 17 today! Wow 17 I am starting to feel old lol. Okay so I haven't blogged for a while. I took some time off of work so in order to do that I had to be really, really caught up sooooo that meant no blogging. So let's see what have we missed....... Let's rewind a bit. The weekend before the one that just passed let us go back to that weekend. Well Saturday we went and threw darts and Kim came and joined us. Then when Launa got off she joined us as well. We had a great time throwing darts we hadn't done that for so long I can hardly wait until this winter so we can all get together and do this some more. Well as it got later Tressa came in and threw with us too, she said she had to go to work and asked us to come out to the Beacon where she works. Soooo that is just what we did Kim, Tim and me headed for the Beacon. Scott and Preston a guy I work with joined us later. We had a great time dancing and drinking. Then I looked at Kim and she told me she was fucked up! I thought a good time to go home then. Kimmy was the most trashed I have ever seen she was so cute. Tim and I helped stand her up and got her to the car and Tim sat her in the front and he sat in the back they were both gone! Kim took forever to get the seat belt on and was as happy as a child when she did. When we got Kimmy to her house it took her a few minutes to find the door handle especially when she realized it wasn't on the window! She laughed all the way up to her front door and I was surprised when she got her key in and opened easily but then when she reached to get her screen door shut she ended up pulling her self off the patio did a somersault on the lawn and was laughing hysterically. She ended up laughing so hard at herself she just laid in the lawn for a while just cracking herself up. Well she cracked me up as well and for Tim well lets just say he wasn't seeing much. She did finally get in the house and I told her thanks for the blog story! lol I know that Birdie was glad to add someone else to the bar Olympics team! So lets forward into the following week. I have 4 weeks of vacation a year and we were just notified we can only carry over a week of it each year so use it or lose it. So I decided I would make my Labor Day weekend 5 days long and do some house work. So Thursday and Friday I busted my ass cleaning really good even taking apart the fridge, cleaning blinds and things of that sort. Friday I cleaned my carpets and enjoyed DD's company for a bit helping me set up a face book that she has been dying for me to do. Thursday night I enjoyed meeting all of my friends out to dinner and drinks it was a nice time and even though none of us could stay very long it was nice seeing everyone. I would like to have all of you pray for our Seany he is having surgery the 16th of this month and he could use all of our love and support. Saturday around 2 Kimmy called and asked us down for a drink. We had nothing going on and thought hell why not we were bored. So we went down there and after several drinks Tim thought it sounded good to leave for Deadwood on Sunday and just go down to party in Saloon 10. Not to gamble just to go for the bike ride and to party. So Antonio got on the phone and found us hotel numbers to see if we could get a last minute room, and I texted DD & Kelly and said hey wanna go party at Saloon 10? I was shocked when they texted back and said let's go! So we left around noonish on Sunday and had a beautiful ride all the way to Deadwood. When we got there we freshened up and then went to eat. After we ate we went and did oyster shots for Kim, since it didn't work out for her to go with us. :( We sent her pics though! Then we went to put $20.00 in my favorite winning penny machine. Tim told Kelly if I double my money to make me pull it out! Well I did that in the first few seconds and I pushed that button three more times before I minded Kelly and pulled out my 49.18. Kelly says see you could of had 54.00 if you would of pulled out when I said. LOL Her and Tim are so much alike! Love it! Then we were off to our Saloon 10 to get the best seats. We figured being there at 7 would get us the best seats in the house. And sure shit after we saw the reenactment of the famous deadman's poker hand we got the front table right next to the dance floor. The motto of Saloon 10 is "Saloon 10 where you can get a stiff one!". That is no shit they are strong ass drinks! When we first saw the band members come in we were like great a fuckin jazz band. We watched the harmonica and a sax come out and then the woman came out wearing a nice dress we all were thinking hmmmmmm we might have to find another place to party. Then the show started and HOLY SHIT was it good! That woman danced and they put on one hell of a show. We even bought the CD! The were fun, funny and got the crowd partying. They even did The Blue's Brothers. At one point they came around the audience and gave out instruments and the singer made sure our table got one. DD & Kelly picked out an instrument and boy did DD play the hell out of it she impressed the band big time. Don't know what the instrument is called but it had drum sticks and she played it and the table she was a damn ROCKSTAR!!!!! We have some pics of the whole night we need to get them downloaded and DD needs to send me some of hers. We have a good picture how we got DD rounded up to go home from the bar this time! LOL ;) We had an absolute grand ole time. Last minute trips sure turn out good! Wished everyone could of joined us, so we will have to plan another one where everyone can come too! Pictures will come soon! Love all around! smooches!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Party On!
Hi all. Let's see where are we.... Tim and I went on a good ride on Thursday night the weather was beautiful then DD and Kel asked us down to the Moonlight for a few drinks so we headed there and had a good time. I wished everyone could of came. Friday night we took it easy and got up early and headed to Kaycee to buy our biker ball tickets with Kimmy. We had a ball but it was unbearable hot! So after three big swig drinks and a small one I was toast! With the heat and the drinks I just passed way out all the way home. When I got to the Moony I had to be refreshed with a few glasses of waters, when I first got there I was a complete mess. WOW. We stayed for drinks there for a while and then went home and slept hard! Wow that heat really knocked me out. Sunday took it easy and did all my shopping and my mommy duties. Taking Brooke driving is a scary thing but she is getting better! Got a text from DD they are having a ball on their vacation and even got a picture of them with Big John, Poisions body guard! Woooo hooo girls. They even are staying at the hotel with Nickelbacks roadies. Damn I wish I was there! Well back to work for me it has been killing me we have been really busy! Love all around!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hump Day...
Shit I have been so busy at work sorry for the no blogs! Let's see where were we. Thursday night we went to Tim's mom's to wish her a happy birthday and we got home around 8ish when we got a call to please come down for one drink from JP. LOL well we thought what the hell just one. Ya ya you have heard these stories from me plenty! Well Jeremy was there and bought me one shot after another and I went home totally sloshed! Damn did I feel like total shit on Friday morning. It is all Jeremy's fault the little asshole! Friday was Timmies b day. So we hung out at the house for all the family to come over and then ran to the Moon for no shit only 45 minutes to see DD & Kelly before they had to pick up the kiddo's from the movies. We were tired any how and had to get up early to go to Fort Collins the next day. We went to Fort Collins to take the girls clothes shopping and Tim Harley part shopping lol and for me to eat at the Olive Garden! YUMMMMM! On our way home we had that DAD PULL OVER I AM GOING TO PUKE! Randi the poor thing got a bit of the stomach flu. Dad almost got pulled over in time some of the door got it so windows down the rest of the way home. Thank goodness we were almost to Wheatland so we could clean her up and the door, but damn that smell lingers! P U! Well I am sure everyone has those road trip stories! Sunday we went down to the Moony for a while and had a great time Kim, Tim and me just bullshitting and drinking. Nice down time. So then the work week started and holy hell what a week has it already been! whew! :) So sorry I haven't blogged I had a good excuse lol. So here we are and it is already Wednesday! Tomorrow night I need a drink! Saturday we are going to Kaycee to get our Biker Ball tickets. I am stoked that is a good time down there! John, Julian and Drew will be playing and there are all kinds of festivities to watch. So I hope all of you are doing well. Miss ya all. Love all around!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Almost the end of the week....
Hi all. Today is Tim's mother's birthday and tomorrow is my Timothy Wayne's. Last night we had a cheerleading bbq for Brookie. It was beautiful weather and really nice sitting outside by the pool. Tonight I don't think we will make it for a drink. We need to go by to Tim's mother's and Tim has a very full schedule on Friday. Saturday we are driving to Fort Collins to do school clothes shopping for the girls and to eat at the Olive Garden. Love the Olive Garden. Last weekend we hurried back from Sundance to go to the family Reunion type bbq. Tim was asked to take the family picture since it has been so long since we have had almost the whole family together and even family that I have never ever met. Funny thing is about the family picture is that it was taken 10 minutes before we arrived. Tim packed all his things to take the picture that he was asked to do a week prior. I guess they were in a HUGE hurry to take a family picture without hmmmmm the whole family. My daughters were there and Brooke was definitely hot when I arrived. She is so like me she voiced her opinion on how stupid it was not to wait for Tim and I. I guess I am use to not fitting in with family. I have always not fit in with my father's side of the family when I was younger. My Mother didn't have any family left so I thought it was important to have at least some family. The hard ship with that is my Grandmother was pregnant with my uncle when my mother and father got married so my Grandmother wasn't much into being a grandmother and my father no matter how much he tried was never the "favorite" child. I have gotten closer to my Grandmother and I will never let her see the pain that I had as a child never feeling that bond with her. I always wanted the grandmother that dotted on me. I remember one time after my youngest Uncle which is only 2 years older then me had two kids my grandmother had told someone she was visiting with that she had only two grandchildren. My brother was standing next her and told her that in fact she had 4. She just replied that Justin and I didn't count cause we were grown. So when Tim and I were left out of the "Family" picture, I was thinking to myself WOW it really does follow me through out my life and now is effecting Tim. It was just an added pain to what I was already going through with my family and then the fact I wasn't even important enough for any of Tim's family to join my Birthday party. I know Tim was bothered as well but he sure hid it well. As I sit back today I realize that is why I have been so blessed with so many great friends that actually totally accept me as who I am and actually love me unconditional as a family would. The hardest thing for me is to be the bigger person and never treat anyone that has hurt me like they have done to me. I found the whole situation as totally unbelievable that everyone thought it was totally fine to have that picture done without Tim. I don't give a fuck about me, but Tim. Wow. So I guess this is just been not a good year for what is so called "family". Love all around.
Thought for the day:
Treat others as you would want to be treated......
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tequila Makes Your Clothes Fall Off
Hi Peeps! Whew yesterday was HELL! LOL I had so much catch up and still some remaining today. I had a great trip! I can hardly wait for next year already! The whole gang is going next year! The weather was beautiful for are trip up to Sundance. I love riding it gives you the best view of your surroundings and good thinking time. We arrived in Sundance a bit before noon. So I went and got ready to work the beer tent. Damn was I busier then HELL. At a first drunk count I thought I made about 165 in tips but when I was more sober I made about 200 in tips. 153 of that was in one's! I had the hugest roll of ones and I thought hell I will just take that to Deadwood. Tim went and cashed it in for me at the bank he said no way in hell am I going to carry around the wad of ones like that. Well as I was working the beer tent Theresa, Seany, Tim, and Dorie were having drinks in the bar. As it approached closer to the burnout Tim had to prepare to work. So Theresa, Seany & Dorie all wandered out and hung out close to my tent for the festivities. Theresa leaned over to me nearing the end of the burnout and told me she was signed up for the wet t shirt contest. I was wow are you serious? I really truly thought she was teasing me but when I saw the girls all lining up for the contest low and behold their stood our birdie amongst the girls! Theresa was around her ninth beer and I could tell at this point she was dead serious she was in it to win it. I was in a bad area to see exactly what was going on but Dorie would run over and give me commentary about all the happenings. Theresa took the 70/80's approach to her shirt and took the bottom of it and rung it through the collar to make a make shift halter top. Damn she is wild! She says I am wild but I think she is! She really earned that crazy bitch tattoo! At the end of the contest I heard a few people commenting on the girl laying on the sidewalk, and I knew without looking that would be my birdie and sure shit it was my birdie. She was drunk out of her mind and telling me she couldn't find her shoes! I went up on stage and found her shoes and then I found drunk Sean and said we better get her to the room. I told Sean wait here I will be right back. When I returned I asked everyone where they went and they pointed down the alley way. I was like holy hell I hope those two drunks find their room! Well Seany returned in a few minutes and I said "Where is Theresa?". He replied I put her in the room and came back! He then proceeds to tell me he hoped that he didn't get his ass chewed later because she fell twice on the way back to room and he proceeded to fall directly on top of her! Damn I wished I was following with a video camera! That would of been a sight seeing those two laying in the alley! Tim joins us and that is when I found out the Theresa was hammering back shots of Tequila on stage! I was like no way Theresa would never drink Tequila. But then second thought she was liquefied maybe she had drank those shots??? hmmmm. We decided at this point it was a good time to locate Dorie and get something to eat. First we had to go to the room, I was black from the burnout smoke. I mean black I looked like Sambo! When we got back to the room, Dorie was getting ready and had already showered. Dorie said she had to shower twice because the first time she came out and looked in mirror and she was still black! This rubber burn off simply doesn't come off! You have to basically scub your fuckin skin off! So after we got all cleaned up again we proceeded to go find something to eat, well no Sean never did reappear for Dinner he passed out along Theresa all by 7pm! We heard later from Sean he had to have someone at the motel carry Theresa in the room and even at that he never did get her in the bed. The poor birdie laid on that hard floor for who knows how long, she must of got up at one point because she woke up in bed! We ended up at a bar having a great steak dinner with Dorie and that is when is started raining like hell. Well when the rain died down a bit we decided to go back to our home bar where the party was. As we ran Dorie dropped her phone outta her purse you know the purse I am talking about? Her bra lol! Of course she didn't realize her phone was missing though until we were at the other bar as we were waiting for Scott her friend to arrive. We didn't find her phone that night. And it ended up being a huge joke throughout the night as we were texting it and saying "please return me!". The party at our bar was bigger then it had been in the past and everyone was dancing on the bar and partying it up! Tim got some pretty risque pictures and I am not just talkin tits here! After we were all good and drunk and pooped out from being in the sun all day we headed back to the room with Dorie and Scott in tow. We weren't about to send Scott back drunk to Sturgis and hell he didn't even know where his truck was! He kept saying "where is my truck?" and then he would reply to himself "next to Dorie's phone!". We all laughed and laughed about that! We all crashed for the night we had thought until we all still couldn't stop laughing to the fact that we were missing a truck and a phone so we all got up once again and sat outside smoking for a bit. So that was our first night! The next morning we still hadn't heard from our Birdie or even Chopper for that fact! So we headed over to breakfast. For the worst breakfast ever I might add! Watered down gravy with biscuits YUM YUM....... NOT! We did find the truck and after breakfast Tim even found Dories phone outside the bar in the gravel wet from rain, but damned if that phone didn't work! Lucky thing! After we went back to the room I lightly knocked on Birdie's door and when Sean finally came to the door I asked if Theresa was okay, alive, and breathing? LOL They proceeded to get up and to eat breakfast while we got ready to head into Sturgis! We were all still scrubbing off fricken black!!!!! We rode into Sturgis all together but Dorie that lil bitch takes 5 hours to get ready and try on each of her and I am not shitting when I tell you this her 50 outfits. We met up with Julian, John John, and Albert at The Knuckle Bar. We sat and had drinks and listen to a great band. That is when it started getting fuckin HOT. We decided to all go shopping and damn was it HOT. I don't do extreme heat well! So after a couple of hours of that shit we headed to Beulah for dinner. After a great dinner we headed back to Sundance and Dorie went back to Sturgis. Tim, me, Seany & Theresa headed back to the bar and had a few drinks and all went to crash between partying the night before and the dead heat and sun in Sturgis we were all just done! I know I know not my usual partying self. Next day we all headed into Deadwood, of course leaving the fashion doll behind to try on numerous outfits and Theresa and Sean cause they were heading to the wedding they needed to attend. I gambled and drank my ass off! Tim had more fun sitting outside watching all the bikes. If you have never been to bike week you can never in a million years vision of how many fuckin bikes their are! They are from all over the United States, you very rarely see someone from your own State. We met John John, Albert, Big Julian, Ari and her boyfriend in Deadwood. Julian didn't show cause he was so hung over he wouldn't get out of bed! Well I guess a fifth of Crown would do that. We did make it to the Oyster Bay Bar and had Oyster shots. I did three and damn were they good! Thanks Kimmy for the suggestion. We all decided to go to dinner which is a good thing that is when it started to hell and rain like a son of a bitch! Damn glad I wasn't on a bike when that was happening! After hanging out in Deadwood for all day and part of the evening we headed back to crash for the night. Heading to Deadwood that morning we took the scenic route which we do every year and will do next year. Spearfish canyon is so beautiful! So that is our trip! Had a blast and already can't wait until next year! Wooooo Hoooooo! Love all around! Smooches.....
Monday, August 3, 2009
2 More Days Until Sturgis....
Hi peeps. Wanted to say a quick hello before I head on my way to Bike Week. Today I am fitting in a weeks worth of work in a day. And if I do say so myself I did a DAMN good job. I am taking tomorrow off as well to go do girl things to prepare for my trip. I will miss all of you that can't go! I hope in the next coming years we will find where all of us get to go and it will be an annual thing! Birdie I know is nervous but she will find that this is the party of the fuckin year! And bikers are some of the most fun and easy going people to know! I heard it is going to be 93 on Wednesday when we leave. Whew what a change in temperature from my last road trip on the bike, remember that girls I froze my ass off! :) Everyone not going I will text and text pictures. Now I don't expect any of you to find any of my texts coherent, I am sure you know this by now when I text when I am drunk! But I bet you all know by now how to read those kind can't ya???? I will be also stopping in on Deadwood to gamble. And DD and my lil miss Kelly I will be play your lucky machine, Deal or No Deal. Hmmmm maybe I will win at least enough to take us out for a good time! Now remember with any road trip especially a bike road trip, if anything should ever happen to me, I love you all and I would always be your angel on your shoulder. And DD and Kelly have all the information to carry on my beloved blog! When I get back I will post hopefully some great stories! LOVE AND SMOOCHES EVERYONE!!!!!!
Thought for the day:
I know I know how to party and believe me I will party my Mother Fuckin Ass OFF!!!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Happy Friday....
Hi Peeps. I know I haven't blogged I have been trying to keep my head above water at work. Plus there are only 5 days left until Sturgis so I have to have everything complete before I take off! Whew! Well not much thrilling this week. Tuesday Tim and I went and had a few drinks at the Moonlight and I got totally smashed. I needed it. LOL Wednesday I did my usual work out schedule. Dorie said she wished I would go out on Wednesday nights because the crowd was great and everyone was asking "Where the hell is Michelle!". I was glad to hear when there is a great party everyone wants to know where my ass is at! That is very flattering. :) Last night just Tim and I rode to Glenrock. The rest of our Thursday riders were getting ready for their Sturgis trip so we rode solo. We did end up at the Moonlight for a few drinks. And NO I didn't even get smashed. A lil happy but not smashed. I sat with Launa's sister at the bar and I enjoyed her company. It is funny watching her talk, occasionally she will say or the way she makes a face makes me go OMG that looked like Launa! So all n all the week has been good but maybe lacking in the great fun department. I miss all of you I haven't seen in a while but I will get great pics on my time away to post here! Love all around! Smooches........
Thought for the day:
I Believe... That you can keep going long after you think you can't.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Count down to Sturgis begins.....
9 days until we leave to Sturgis! Woooo Hoooo! Wish all of you were coming! Well Thursday night Tim went riding and I went down to the Moony with all my girls. :) Thanks for coming out I had a complete ball. Kept my mind from other things. It was weird walking in there without my Timmy and it was funny everyone is like WOW where is Tim? I guess we are as one right. LOL Well this weekend nothing exciting at all Tim had to work all weekend and does next weekend to, so you can expect when I get to Burn Out Wednesday I will get totally smashed! So Friday night Tim and I and the kids went out for dinner and I drank too many margarita's and crashed on the couch, Saturday I went to lunch with Birdie and checked out crazy days and then spent the rest of the afternoon and all evening by myself. So I watched tv and thought how strange I am never alone. LOL Then Sunday my Kimmy came over and we drank and laughed our ass's off on the patio. So this weekend was I guess relaxing. This week will probably go by slowly since I know I only have to work Monday next week. I am so looking forward to Sturgis this year! So Peeps back to work with me! Love all around......
Thought for the day:
I Believe... That you can do something in an instant That will give you heartache for life..
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Well today I woke up feeling better. The little sad pit in the bottom of my stomach I thought possibly might subside a day or two. I thought today I wouldn't cry out of no where in the afternoon. But..... Short lived feeling. I asked my Mother to have drinks with us tonight and got more news that I just didn't want to hear. The reason I am such a hard ass at times and won't let anyone tell me what to do or put up with any ounce of shit from most people is because I saw my Father control every aspect of my Mother and her life. I always felt like I couldn't breath when I was young. If she wasn't the way he wanted her to be or if she didn't talk the way he wanted her too, or if she didn't choose what he wanted her to choose their would be consequences or what I call punishments. Whether that be the silent treatment, not doing something that made her happy, or just down right belittling her. The fighting in my household was constant. I learned the way you deal with a person you disagreed with is to yell at them or call them names or even hit. When I was younger I almost repeated as I learned but then I said NO I am going to change this cycle I am not going to be that person. It is a family thing on my side they all do it from my Grandfather up to my father. My father is a big hearted man. I do love him. I do forgive him and I do understand to a point. It is ingrained in him it is what he learned from example. It takes a mighty strong person to change that cycle. For the time being the only ones that have mastered that change is myself and my Uncle Victor who struggles everyday not to do it. My father holds the power in his hands to learn from this and change. Is it ever too late? I am beginning to think so. Controlling people always pick the weak or they make them weak and then they become enablers. When you stop enabling a person to control you they either quit or they move on to someone else. I wish my Father found peace when he was young, I so wish that things could be so very different. Regret. What a nasty thing to feel. So now she has found strength but will the control quit long enough for her to do it? When does your responsibility every stop for another? I think sometimes when you love someone you let them go, if they want to destroy themself in an attempt to control you to stay you just have to take that risk to live some happiness for yourself. Sometimes in life you have to be selfish. I believe that if you do not love yourself first that you are no good to anyone else. So today I realized my father will probably destroy himself and my mother will live with the guilt that she was at fault. How do you win in the situation.... I tell her cut the control find your happiness and hopefully my father will realize the self destruction won't win back what he has lost and he will find happiness for himself. So my internal struggle still is there. Funny how writing it all down really helps me feel better. I probably seem delusional but hell I can't be strong all the time. Love all around.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Song in my head.....
Thanks to Kim for introducing me to a new band. I love this song as I am sure all of you will too.
Thriving Ivory
Angels On The Moon
Do you dream, that the world will know your name
So tell me your name
Do you care, about all the little things or anything at all?
I wanna feel, all the chemicals inside
I wanna feel I wanna sunburn, just to know that I'm alive
To know I'm alive
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
Do you believe, in the day that you were born
Tell me do you believe?
Do you know, that everyday's the first of the rest of your life
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
This is to one last day in the shadows
And to know a brother's love
This is to New York City angels
And the rivers of our blood
This is to all of us, to all of us
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
You can tell me all your thoughts, about the stars that fill polluted skies
And show me where you run to, when no one's left to take your side
But don't tell me where the road ends, cause I just don't wanna know,
No I don't wanna know
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Thriving Ivory
Angels On The Moon
Do you dream, that the world will know your name
So tell me your name
Do you care, about all the little things or anything at all?
I wanna feel, all the chemicals inside
I wanna feel I wanna sunburn, just to know that I'm alive
To know I'm alive
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
Do you believe, in the day that you were born
Tell me do you believe?
Do you know, that everyday's the first of the rest of your life
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
This is to one last day in the shadows
And to know a brother's love
This is to New York City angels
And the rivers of our blood
This is to all of us, to all of us
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
You can tell me all your thoughts, about the stars that fill polluted skies
And show me where you run to, when no one's left to take your side
But don't tell me where the road ends, cause I just don't wanna know,
No I don't wanna know
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Hump day....
Hello Peeps. First off I would like to thank, Kelly, DD, Kelli and Shelly for the words of advice and love you all have given me. It means more then words can say. My foundation has been rocked but as the days go buy it is getting a bit easier. It just sucks when something is broken and I can't fix it. My father is doing better, but of course I am just like him and don't know what to say so I just don't say anything. That isn't the best way to handle all of it I know. I will have to certainly work on that. I have good days and bad days with all of this. But I will overcome it and be there as best as I know how for both of my parents. I am sorry I haven't blogged I have been so flippen busy at work I go home everyday with a HUGE headache from non stop computer work. Plus it sucks to blog when you feel like I feel. Today I feel good though! I miss all of you. I hope we can all get together soon. Smooches and love all around.
Thought for the day:
Friends are angels that help you fly when you have lost your wings.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hi Peeps. Had a great time last night. We went for a short bike ride and to Gigs to eat and listen to the boys play. Then of course we ended up at the Moony where we all had many laughs and of course drinks. X-rated rocks! Well at least this time I didn't tear my car up on it! Well I have been kind of down and a bit stressed this week and that is the true reason why I haven't blogged. Anyone that knows me knows that I won't really share or tell you when I have troubles or problems. After 41 years of marriage my Mother is divorcing my Father. There I fucking said it. I guess when you get use to something always being when it isn't it freaks you out a bit. My parents should of never stayed married to begin with. Funny thing is when you love someone you tolerate too much at times. Sometimes in life we just love the totally wrong person. So am I sad they are breaking up? Yes and No. They will both be more happy, but I am losing my comfortability and they are really losing theirs. Comfortability is why so many stay with people they fell out of love with but love. Certainly after over 40 years it would be hard to step out of your comfort zone and the well known. I am also worried about my father handling it. He is so strong in some senses but really I don't think so in this sense. My Mother has always taken care of him. I know he will put a strong front up because I got my personality from him, but he will be crying and breaking inside. It kills me to know my father will hurt. Don't get me wrong my Mother will hurt too, but she is so ready for this. She is excited and scared about the new things going to come for her. And like most women my mother has plenty of friends to lean on. Unlike my father a man that would never dream of leaning on anyone. I almost had an anxiety attack yesterday trying to grasp all of this. I felt for a moment like I couldn't breath. I cried so hard I gave myself a headache and I thought for sure I would never stop. I am not a child anymore I realize but I felt like a just lost the rest of what I grasped to of being a child. The funny thing is I am crying my eyes out as I type all of this. And believe me I don't cry. I am horrible at ignoring things thinking hey if I don't think about it, it will just go away or fix itself. I was doing well with this until my Mother called me yesterday and made me realize she really needs me and I just haven't been there and this is going to happen whether I acknowledge it or not. She told me through all this and I should be calling her and listening to her and being there for her as I would any of my friends. She is so right but what she doesn't know is this was just to raw for me I just couldn't deal with it. Then it turned out ignoring this problem didn't make it go away. It ended up hurting my mother because she felt I was being cold and insensitive to her. I felt very selfish and whisked her feelings away with telling her I was so busy working, tending to Randi and her toe problem, and working out, and our work schedules are so different that I just lost track of the time and I should of called her and I was sorry. So now here I am knowing she won't take my excuses anymore and I am going to have to face this straight on. My parents will no longer be together. And that makes me terribly, terribly sad. Last little bit of childhood I thought might always be there is now gone. So if I am not my usual self there you have why. I try to cover pain with a smile but sometimes I am just weak. But for my Mom and my Father I will pull some strength somewhere and take care of them as I would any of my friends. Love all around. Smooches babies you know I love all of ya.
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