Shit I have been so busy at work sorry for the no blogs! Let's see where were we. Thursday night we went to Tim's mom's to wish her a happy birthday and we got home around 8ish when we got a call to please come down for one drink from JP. LOL well we thought what the hell just one. Ya ya you have heard these stories from me plenty! Well Jeremy was there and bought me one shot after another and I went home totally sloshed! Damn did I feel like total shit on Friday morning. It is all Jeremy's fault the little asshole! Friday was Timmies b day. So we hung out at the house for all the family to come over and then ran to the Moon for no shit only 45 minutes to see DD & Kelly before they had to pick up the kiddo's from the movies. We were tired any how and had to get up early to go to Fort Collins the next day. We went to Fort Collins to take the girls clothes shopping and Tim Harley part shopping lol and for me to eat at the Olive Garden! YUMMMMM! On our way home we had that DAD PULL OVER I AM GOING TO PUKE! Randi the poor thing got a bit of the stomach flu. Dad almost got pulled over in time some of the door got it so windows down the rest of the way home. Thank goodness we were almost to Wheatland so we could clean her up and the door, but damn that smell lingers! P U! Well I am sure everyone has those road trip stories! Sunday we went down to the Moony for a while and had a great time Kim, Tim and me just bullshitting and drinking. Nice down time. So then the work week started and holy hell what a week has it already been! whew! :) So sorry I haven't blogged I had a good excuse lol. So here we are and it is already Wednesday! Tomorrow night I need a drink! Saturday we are going to Kaycee to get our Biker Ball tickets. I am stoked that is a good time down there! John, Julian and Drew will be playing and there are all kinds of festivities to watch. So I hope all of you are doing well. Miss ya all. Love all around!
1 comment:
Thirsty Thursday for sure!!!!!! Got to start our vacation off right.
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