LOL yes Kelly I didn't fit in all our stories I needed some other things to blog about. Everyone that read the comments is like what???? Butt dialing and saw dust angels??? WTF? We started at our first table that we previously partied at on my birthday thinking hell we had fun at this table before. When we first arrived Tim said "hey someone is getting a call.". It was DD's phone and she looks at it and points at Tim and says it is you! Tim looks at her dumbfounded as DD answers her phone and says "Hi, Tim!". Tim in turn pulls his phone out of his pocket and says "How in the hell did it do that????". He actually butt dialed! His phone is a touch screen but he still couldn't figure out how in the hell his ass unlocked the phone and then actually went to contacts and called DD. WTF? Of course you all know the Verizon commercial where the guy is butt dialing his girlfriend and then he announces "My butt just hung up on you!". So we all were laughing and then began to laugh even harder when we realized that none of us had any service! So when I went to send a text and I had no service to send a message I thought well Tim's ass has service so I held my phone by Tim's butt and sure shit it sent the message. Magical ass my man has! We watched the Wild Bill Hickok's death reenactment, and then we took a vote cause Kelly and I really wanted to move up closer to the stage so of course we raised our hands and we figured our two votes was enough to move. DD had set in her mind she wanted the high top table so we gave her, her way for a little bit any way because after Tim butt dialed her yet again Kelly and decided to vote again cause us two shorties wanted to sit at a regular table. So the vote happened and we moved putting us right in front of the stage and the dance floor! Tim's ass never dialed DD's phone again that night but each time I wanted to send a message I had to hold my phone by his ass to dial out! (DD needs to send me the pic of me using Tim's ass to dial out lol) Funny how his ass was the only place to get good service. When we first arrived I noticed the new sawdust poured on the floor and I was trying to talk Kelly into doing a sawdust angel. She just wouldn't budge and I just knew my instigating skills wouldn't work on DD she hadn't had enough to drink at that time. So I let it go until we got to our third table and Kelly helped instigate the subject again and low and behold Tim got up and made that damn saw dust angel! He did it so quickly we didn't get pictures of him doing it but we have a picture of his angel. Of course then as we proudly starred at his creation with pride Kelly got down and fixed it to make it more predominate and added a halo. The angel lasted on the floor over an hour until a dick head security guy pulled a table across it and ruined our art. I hope to have some more pics to share I need to download off my camera and have DD do the same and email me. Wish all of you could of joined us for a great time! Love all around!
Big Fuckin Slot Machine!
good times, GOOD TIMES!!!!
I dropped some pics last night onto my facebook. Save a horse...ride a best friend!!
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