Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Monday

Wow I missed Posting Friday. I was so busy. What a beautiful weekend. It was like August instead of September. Tim and I have been fitting all the motorcycle riding we possibly can before the weather takes a turn for the worse. So Friday night we just had a couple of drinks at the Moonlight and called it an early night. Of course I got an ear full about my drunken behavior from the weekend before, as you might recall I told you I didn't remember most of the latter part of that evening! LOL So some of the people I know have nicknamed me Mojito it could be possibly because I had drank between 9 and 12 nobody is certain how many but I will tell u what I won't attempt that again!!!!!!!! If you hear me ever say I am checkin out you will know that means take my ass home I am passing out. So Tim has been calling me checkin out. LOL So if I show up with a new patch on my leather jacket with Mojito or checkin out you will know why! Saturday we rode all day, we rode to the Sunset and back and to Glenrock and back finally ending up at Chatters for dinner. Sunday we rode out to Natural Bridge it was beautiful I hadn't been out there since I was in High School so it was really nice to revisit. The leaves were all changing and it added to the beauty. So what did everyone do for their weekend????? Theresa and Sean got to go to Boston for the Yankee's game so I can hardly wait to hear about that! Well back to work for Mojito Michelle. Love all around!
Thought for the day:
You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need.

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