Thursday, September 18, 2008

Almost the weekend.....

So how is everyone's week? Mine has been uneventful. Makes for a boring blog huh???? Been working out a lot and that is about it. Hmmmmmmm let's have some fun. I was at the tattoo shop last weekend and we were looking at all the tattoo books and I thought of a funny story I shared with Burgandy and John about High School. How many of you have been kicked out of a class or school for that matter? Why don't you share your good stories. I got kicked out of my gymnastics class. What was my offense. Body art. LOL Tim thought it would be fun to hickey his intitials on my back and by the way use my entire back! You know those gymnastics outfits were usually backless so my coach didn't find my new found art amusing so I was OUT! Ha-ha. Hmmmm boy would I kill my girls for doing that! So come on let's have fun email me your stories. Love all around!
Thought for the day:
What fun if life if your not having fun living it.


French Fry said...

How old were you when you got kicked out of gymnastics class??? That is funny stuff! I never got kicked out of kicked out of a restaurant once cuz there was probably 20 of us being LOUD and they didn't like that. That is about it.....
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

i have been kicked out of my Science class in highschool for putting on my shoe.....the floor was cement i was wearing dress shoes and apparently I was making too much noise and the teacher kicked me out! When he came out in the hallway 5 min later to invite me back in I politely denied. I ended up changing teachers for the remainder of the semester and would you believe that my science grade went from a C to an A. My Science teacher was the girls' basketball coach and since I didn't play he didn't like me! Oh and now dome to find out...he lives right by my parents!!! HATED HIM!! REALLY HATED HIM!